Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is officially known as the Islamic Emirates of a landlocked nation situated at the intersection of Central and Southern Asia. It is also known as the “Heart of Asia”.

Afghanistan is bordered on the east by Pakistan, on the south by Iran, on the west by Turkmenistan, on the north by Uzbekistan, on the northeast by Tajikistan, and the northeast by China.

Afghanistan covers an area of 652,888 square kilometers and is mainly made up of mountains, with plains to the north and southwest, separated by the Hindu Kush mountain range.

1. Bamiyan Valley

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Bamyan is the capital and largest city of Hazarajat in central Afghanistan. It has a population of about 70,000 people and is situated at an altitude of approximately 8,366 feet above sea level. The city is served by the Bamyan Airport.

The distance between the city and the capital, Kabul, in the southeast, is 180 kilometers. Nearby attractions include the Band-e-Amir National Park to the west, which is about a 30-minute drive from the city.

In 2008, it was discovered that Bamyan is home to the world’s oldest oil paintings. The city was also known as the “Shining Light” or “Valley of Gods” due to the presence of the Buddhas of the city, carved into the cliffs on the northern side of the city.

These Buddhas date back to the 6th-7th century CE and are believed to have been carved during the time of the Hephthalites. In the late 10th century, the city was home to several thousand Buddhist monks, who lived in caves carved in the mountain. – Afghanistan Places

2. Kabul

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Kabul is a city situated in a narrow valley of the Hindu Kush, bordering the Kabul River. It is one of the tallest cities in the world, standing at 1,790 meters above sea level. It is situated at a strategic point in Asia, approximately midway between Istanbul and Vietnam, and was a major stop on the Silk Road.

Dating back to at least 3,500 years ago, the city has been ruled by a variety of dynasties and realms, such as the Seleucid, Kushan, Hindu Shahi, Western Turk, Turk Shahi, Samanid, Khwarazmian, Timurid, and Mongol. – Afghanistan Places

3. Herat

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Herāt is a city situated in the fertile Hari River valley in the western region of Afghanistan. It is the capital of the Herat Province and the third largest city in the country, with a population estimated to be 574.276 in 2020.

This oasis city is renowned for its ancient civilization, which was part of the Silk Road connecting Western, Central, and Southern Asia. As a regional hub, Herat serves as a reference point for the country’s western region.

Herat is a city that has a long history and is famous for its wine. It was one of the main cities in Khorasan during the Middle Ages and was known as the pearl of Khorasan. After Tamerlane’s conquest, the city became a center of learning and art in the Islamic world.

During the reign of Shah Qutb, the city was the center of the “Timurid Renaissance” which is said to have been comparable to Florence during the Italian Renaissance. The city has been ruled by different Afghans since 1716 when the Abdali Afghans who were living there rebelled and formed their sultanate called the Sadozai sultanate. The Afsharids took control of the city in 1732. – Afghanistan Places

4. Mazar-i-Sharif

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Mazar-e Sharief, commonly referred to as “Mazar” or “Sharief”, is a city located in Balkh Province, Afghanistan. It is the fourth-largest city in the country by population, estimated to have 500,207 inhabitants in 2021. It is located approximately 55 km north of the Uzbek border and is connected by highways to Kunduz, Kabul, Herat, Termez, and Uzbekistan.

The city has a rich history, having been part of the Tahirid Empire, the Safarid, the Samanid, the Ghaznavid, the Ghurid, the Ilkhanate, the Timurid, and the Khanate of Bukhara. In the past, the city has been ruled by several local emirs. It is also a popular tourist destination, due to its renowned shrines and ancient archaeological sites from Islam and Hellenism. – Afghanistan Places

5. Balkh

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Balkh is a town located in Afghanistan’s Balkh Province. It’s about 20 km northwest of Mazar-i-Sharif, and 74 km south of Afghanistan’s border with Uzbekistan. In the past, it was known as the capital and center of the Zoroastrian and Buddhist religions.

It was also known to the Persians and the Ancient Greeks as Bactria, giving it its current name. In the 19th century, it was estimated that it had a population of 138,594 people. It was described by Marco Polo as “a noble and great city”. Today, it’s mostly a pile of ruins, located about 12 km from the right side of the seasonal Balkh River at an altitude of 365 m. – Afghanistan Places

6. Band-e Amir National Park

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Band-e-Amir is an amazing national park in Afghanistan that was created in 2009. It’s made up of a string of six lakes that were formed by natural dams in the Hindu Kush mountains in Central Afghanistan.

The lakes were formed by mineral-rich water seeping out of cracks and faults in the rocky landscape, and over time the water formed layers of hardened minerals called travertine that eventually turned into walls that contain the water.

The Wildlife Conservation Society helped the Afghan government create the park, and it’s one of only a few in the world. – Afghanistan Places

7. Panjshir Valley

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Panjshir Valley is a valley located in northeastern Afghanistan, approximately 150 kilometers north of Kabul, bordering the Hindu Kush mountains. It is bordered by the River Panjshir. It is home to a population of over 100,000, including the largest ethnic Tajik population in Afghanistan.

In April 2004, the area of the valley was transformed into the new province of Panjshir, replacing the former Parwan Province. It is widely regarded as the beginning of the Jihad period in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union and is the birthplace of Afghanistan’s national hero, Ahmed Shah Masoud. – Afghanistan Places

8. Khyber Pass

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Khyber Pass is a renowned mountain pass located in the Pakistan-Nangarhar province, situated on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. It traverses the White Mountains and provides a connection between the town of Lendi Kotal and the Peshawar Valley of Jamrud.

Historically, the pass was a vital part of the Silk Road, connecting Central Asia with the Indian Subcontinent, and was a strategic military hub for the various states that ruled it. It is considered to be one of the world’s most renowned mountain passes.

The region is predominantly populated by Pashtun ethnicities, including Afridis and Shinwaris. – Afghanistan Places

9. Babur’s Gardens in Kabul

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


The Babur Gardens in Kabul, also known as the “Baburnama”, is a historical site that’s visited by up to a million people a year. It’s located on the hillside in District 5, just a short distance from the Kabul Zoo and just north of Khulul Sutun.

The gardens have a few buildings, a mosque, and lots of space for people to walk around. It’s also the location of Babur’s tomb, which is where he was born. It’s thought that the park was first built around 1504 when Babur ordered the construction of a garden in Kabul. It’s been renovated and expanded over the years by different Afghan rulers. – Afghanistan Places

10. Minaret of Jam

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


The Minaret of Jam, located in the remote and nearly impenetrable Shahrak District of Ghor Province, Afghanistan, is a World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO. It is situated near the Hari River and is approximately 62 meters or 65 meters high.

Constructed in 1190, the minaret is composed entirely of baked bricks and is renowned for its intricate brick decoration, which is complemented by stucco and glass tile decoration. The decoration is composed of alternating bands of calligraphic kufi and Naskhi, geometric motifs, and Qur’anic verses.

As of 2002, the tower has remained on the World Heritage in Danger list, is subject to serious erosion, and is not actively preserved. In 2014, it was reported by the BBC that the tower was in immediate danger of collapse. – Afghanistan Places

11. Kandahar

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Kandahar is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan and the spiritual center of the Loy Kandahar cultural region. It is the founding city of the Taliban and the seat of the Supreme Leader and his spiritual advisers. It is the second largest city in Afghanistan after Kabul.

The capital of Afghanistan is Kabul, which is the seat of the government administration. Therefore, the city of Kandahar has been called the “de facto capital” of Afghanistan, although the Taliban maintain that Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan.

The city of Kandahar is situated in the south of Afghanistan, on the river Arghandab, at an altitude of 1,010 meters. – Afghanistan Places

12. Jalalabad

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


The city of Jalalabad is the fifth biggest in Afghanistan, with a population of around 356,274 people. It’s the capital of the eastern Nangarhar province and is located about 130 kilometers away from the capital, Kabul. It’s situated at the intersection of the Kabul and Kunar rivers on a plateau in the Hindu Kush mountains.

It’s connected to the Kabul and Jalalabad roads to the west, and Peshawar and Torkham in Pakistan to the east. It’s close to the border checkpoint and crossing at Torkham, which is 65 km away. The warm climate makes Jalalabad a popular place for social and business activities, and it’s home to the second-largest educational institute in Afghanistan. It’s been a favorite city of Afghan kings for centuries. – Afghanistan Places

13. Wakhan Corridor

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


This narrow strip of land in Afghanistan is known as the Wakhan Corridor. It was created by an agreement between the British Raj in 1893 and the Emir of Afghanistan in the late 19th century. It ran from the Russian Empire to the British Empire and connected Afghanistan with Xinjiang in China.

It was also the starting point for the Pamir River, which flows from the Wakhan Corridor to the Amu River in the south. For centuries, this valley has been a major trade route, bringing people from all over the world. – Afghanistan Places

14. Naw Shakh

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


The Hindu Kush Range’s second-highest peak, Noshaq, is situated on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border at an elevation of 7,492 meters. It is also referred to as Noshak, Nowshak, or Qutb. Its north, west, and south-facing slopes are in Afghanistan, while its south and eastern slopes are in Pakistan, making it the highest mountain in Afghanistan.

It is situated in the northeastern part of the country, along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The most direct route to the peak is via Wakhan Afghanistan. – Afghanistan Places

15. Languta-e-Barfi

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Mount Languta (Arabic: LANGUTA-E-BARFI) is a Himalayan mountain at the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. It is situated at an altitude of 6,827 meters above sea level. The prominence of the mountain is 719 meters. – Afghanistan Places

16. Kuh-e Bandaka

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


The highest peak in the Hindu Kush mountains in northeastern Afghanistan is located northeast of Kabul and west of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is separated by a relatively narrow pass from the central Hindu Kush. It is also the second-highest peak in the entire country of Afghanistan, and the most prominent peak in the whole country of Afghanistan.

On 22 September 1960, the 2nd German expedition to the Hindu Kush Mountaineering Range made their first ascent of the peak. The expedition was led by the West German climber, Wolfgang Von Hansemann. The other members of the team were the climber Dietrich Hasegse, the climber Siegbert Hine, and the climber Johannes Winkler.

They reached the summit of the peak after making four camps. The base camp of the expedition was located in the Dar-Sachi valley, at 4,100 meters. The team also made several first ascents of the Pagar valley of Hindu Kush, as well as making meteorological, geological, and sketch maps. – Afghanistan Places

17. Kuh-e Chuk Shakh

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


This mountain is located in the Hindu Kush mountains in northeastern Afghanistan, and it’s one of the highest in the region. It’s ranked number two out of 6 in the Ishkashim region and number 6 out of 3,483 in the Hindu Kush. It’s also ranked number 3 out of 522 out of 14,597 out of 13,597 in Afghanistan and number 1 out of 6 in Iskashim. – Afghanistan Places

18. Lunkho e Dosare

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


lunkho e dosare is a mountain situated in the Hindu Kush mountain range. It is situated on the international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, at an altitude of 6,901 meters. – Afghanistan Places

19. Koh-e Keshni Khan

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


This mountain in Afghanistan is 6,383 meters high and has a prominence of 292 meters. It’s located in the Hindu Kush and is one of the tallest mountains in the region.

It’s part of the 3,484-meter range in the Hindu Kush, and it’s one of the most prominent mountains in the Badakhshan region. It’s also one of the tallest peaks in Wakhan, with a prominence of 36 meters. – Afghanistan Places

20. Kohe Urgent

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Koh-e Urgent is a mountain located on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border in the Hindu Kush. The elevation of the mountain is 7,016m/23,018ft A.S.l., with a prominence of 616m/ 2,021ft.

It is located in the Hindu Kush Badakhshan, 14597 meters above sea level in Afghanistan, 8,262 meters in Pakistan, and 68 meters in Wakhan. The prominence of the mountain is 54 out of 522, Badakhshan and 21 out of 68, Wakhan. – Afghanistan Places

21. Shah Dhar

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Shah Dhar is a mountain located in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan. It is located on the international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and is located 337 km from Islamabad.

The elevation of Shah Dhar ranges from 7,038 m to 7,091 m above sea level. – Afghanistan Places

22. Kohe Hevad

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Koh-E Hevad is a mountain situated in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan, rising to an elevation of 1,245m/4,085ft. It is one of the highest peaks in the region, reaching an elevation of 6,849m / 22,470ft A.S.l. It is located in an area of 19% of the Hindu Kush, 8% of Badakhshan, 8% of 14597, 8% of Afghanistan, and 8% of Wakhan. – Afghanistan Places

23. Mir Samir

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Mir Samir is also known as Mir Simir, and it’s one of the highest mountains in Afghanistan. It was first climbed in 1959, but locals said it was impossible to get to the top. In 1956, Eric Newby, an English explorer, and Hugh Carless, a diplomat, tried to climb it, but they didn’t make it to the top.

Carless wrote about the experience in his book, A Short Walk In the Hindu Kush. – Afghanistan Places

24. Kumargah

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


The Kumargah gorge and mountain range is situated in Balkh Province, Afghanistan. Kumargah is 2,181 m above sea level. – Afghanistan Places

25. Sakar Sar

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Mount Sakar Sar is the highest peak in the Indian Himalayas. It is located at an altitude of 6,272 m above sea level. Sakar Sar is part of the Hindu Kush and part of the Karakoram mountain range.

It is partly located in the Pakistani Federally Administered Kashmir region of Pakistan, and partly in the Wakhan Corridor of Afghanistan. In August 1999, a Japanese team completed the first ascent of Sakar Sar.– Afghanistan Places

26. Kuh-e Safed Khers

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Safed Khers is a mountain peak in Darwaz District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. Peak height is 5,326 m or 17,474 ft. Peak prominence is 5,484 m or 3,484 m in Hindu Kush, 2,522 m or 14,597 ft in Afghanistan, Peak elevation is 1,091 m in Darwaz, 1,091m in Darwar-e Bala, 1,096 m in Darawaz-e Pa’in. – Afghanistan Places

27. Koh-e kalat, Khwahan

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


The Kalat Khanate was a Brahui chieftainate that came from the Kalat area of Pakistan. It was formed in 1666 to protect the region from Mughal expansion. It was the largest chieftaincy in Balochistan in the middle of the 18th century, stretching from Kerman on the west, Sindh on the east, and the Helmand River on the north, all the way down to the Arabian Sea on the south.

In the early 1800s, the Khanate lost a lot of land to Qadir Iran and the Emirate of Afghanistan. In 1839, the city was sacked by the British. After the treaty of Kalat was signed in 1875 between the Khan and Baloch Sardars, the Khanate became an independent state in a subservient alliance with British India. From 12 August 1947 to 27 March 1948, Kalat was one of the princely states of Pakistan. – Afghanistan Places

28. Koh-e Hindukush

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


The Koh-e Hinduukush is a Hindu Kush mountain in Afghanistan, located in the Parwan province. It is the highest peak of the Koh-e Himalayas, with a height of 7,690 meters near the Pakistan border.

The Koh-e Hindusukush is a mountain range in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan, which is divided into north and south parts by a valley, the Amu Darya. – Afghanistan Places

29. Kohe Tez

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Kohe Tez is a mountain located on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, at an altitude of 6,995 meters. It has a prominence of 485 meters (1,591 feet). It’s located in the Hindu Kush, Badakhshan, Afghanistan, and Wakhan, and is #13 out of 3,484 mountains in the Hindu Kush #3 out of 14,597 mountains in Afghanistan, #88 out of 8,262 mountains in Pakistan, #68 in Wakhan. – Afghanistan Places

30. Kohe Shakhawr

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Koh Shakawr, located on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border at an elevation of 7,086 meters above sea level, has a prominence of 720 meters. It is classified as a mountain of the Hindu Kush, with an elevation of 3,484 meters in Afghanistan, 78 meters in Pakistan, and 15 meters in Wakhan. – Afghanistan Places

31. Koh e Asamai

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Situated in the western part of the capital city of Kabul, Afghanistan, the Koh-e Ashamai is a mountain situated at 2,126 m above sea level. It is commonly referred to as the “Television Hill” due to the presence of a large television mast and antennas atop its summit.

The name “Asamayi” is derived from the Hindu temple located at the base of the mountain, which is a significant site for Afghan Hindus and is one of the most ancient temples in the city. – Afghanistan Places

32. Koh-e Keshni Khan

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Koh-e Keshni Khan is a mountain in Afghanistan. It is located at an elevation of 3,484 meters above sea level and has a prominence of 292m / 958ft. It is part of the Hindu Kush mountain range and is located at an altitude of 522 meters / 6,383 feet above sea level.

It is one of the highest mountain ranges in Afghanistan and is part of the Wakhan mountain range, which is part of the Afghanistan-Wakhanistan mountain range. – Afghanistan Places

33. Baba Tungi

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


The Baba Mountains range is located in the western part of Afghanistan. It’s known as the Baba Khan Mountains in Pashto and Baba Khan in Persian. The Baba Mountains are the source of the Kabul River, which flows from the Hindu Kush.

It’s also the source of the Helmand River, the Hari River, the Murghab River, the Balkh River, and the Kunduz River. You can see the Baba Mountains from Bamyan. The highest point is the Shah Fuladi Peak, which is 5048 m above sea level. – Afghanistan Places

34. Takur Ghar

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Takur Ghar is a mountain peak in the Arma Mountains in southeast Afghanistan. It is situated on the eastern boundary of the shah-i-kot valley. In March 2002, the peak of Takur Ghar was the scene of intense combat between U.S. Special Forces and Al-Qaeda rebels and Taliban fighters during Operation Anaconda, which was part of the bigger U.S. war in Afghanistan. In 2010, the mountain was featured in the video game Medal of Honor. – Afghanistan Places

35. Mount Sikaram

Afghanistan Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan


Mount Sikaram is situated in Kurram District, Pakistan, north of the city of Peshawar. It is connected directly to the Shandur Offshoot, which is part of the Hindu Kush Mountain System. Temperatures at the summit of the mountain can drop below zero degrees Celsius at any point of the year.

A small valley lies on the slopes of Mount Sikaram, which is home to a variety of villages, districts, and tribal regions, many of which are of historical significance.

These include Peiwar and Alizai; Tari Mangal and Narai; Speena Shaga and Khewas; and the Gawi Pass, commonly referred to as the pair total pass, which runs between Kurram Valley and the Aryub Valley, connecting Afghanistan’s Paktia Province and Pakistan’s Kurram District. – Afghanistan Places

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