Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria. Algeria, a North African nation with a Mediterranean coast and a Sahara desert interior, is home to many ancient civilizations, including the Roman ruins in the seaside town of Tipaza.

The capital city of Algiers is home to Ottoman landmarks such as the circa-12th century KetchaOUa Mosque, which fronts the Casbah quarter of the hillside and is characterized by its narrow streets and staircases. The city’s neo-Byzantin basilica, Notre Dame d’Afrique, dates from French colonial rule.

30 Best Places To Visit in Albania

1. Algiers

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Algiers, the capital of Algiers, is a picturesque city on the Mediterranean coast of the country. It’s famous for its whitewashed Kasbah, the medina with its winding streets, the Ottoman palaces, and the ruins of the citadel.

You can also visit the 17th-century KetchaOUa Mosque, which has two huge minarets, and the Great Mosque, which is made of marble and has arches and columns. And if you’re looking for a cathedral, you can’t go wrong with the huge, cathedral-like Catholic basilica at the top of the city, which has a silver dome and lots of mosaics. – Algeria Places

2. Atakor

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Atakor, which translates to “Swollen Part, Knot at the End of Something” in the Tuareg language, is an Algerian volcanic field located in the Hoggar Mountains. It is composed of a diverse range of volcanic features, including lava flows and approximately 450 individual vents, creating a picturesque landscape.

This volcanic field is one of the largest in the mountain range and is situated on the top of a Domal uplift, erupting basalt and trachyte, as well as phonolite.

The volcanic activity at Atakor has developed over a long period, beginning in the early Cretaceous and continuing through the Holocene, and is currently active in the form of fumaroles. – Algeria Places

3. Tamanrasset

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Tamenghest is the capital and largest oasis city of the Tuareg ethnic group of southern Algiers. It is situated in the Ahaghgar Mountains at 1,320 m above sea level, at an altitude of 4,330 ft. Originally founded as a military base to protect the trans-Sahara trade routes, the town is situated in an oasis surrounded by the arid Sahara, with temperatures reaching temperatures of up to 47°.

Despite the harsh climate, citrus, apricots, dates, almonds, cereal, maize, and fig trees are cultivated in the oasis. The town’s original inhabitants were the Tuaregs.

During the cooler months, the town is a popular tourist destination, and visitors are drawn to the Hoggar Museum, which features a variety of exhibits showcasing Tuareg culture and life. – Algeria Places

4. Oran

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Oran is a bustling port city in northwest Algiers, and it’s also known for being the birthplace of Rai folk music. On the top of Mount Murdjadjo, Fort Santa Cruz is an Ottoman citadel that was rebuilt by the Spanish and has a great view of the bay.

In nearby La Blanca, a Turkish old town, you can find the white-washed Chapelle Santa Cruz that was built after the cholera pandemic. In the 18th century, you can visit the Pacha Mosque, which has an octagonal mandibular roof and is a great place to take in the sights. Nearby, you can also find Kasr el Bey, an Ottoman palace. – Algeria Places

5. Annaba

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Annaba, a port city located in the northeastern region of Algiers, is renowned for its architecture, which reflects the city’s French colonial past. The main street of the city, the Cours de La Révolution, features a wide central promenade.

To the south, St. Augustine’s Basilica, constructed in 1900, stands atop a hillside. Below, the ruins of the Roman city of Hippopotamus Regius, with its villas and baths still visible, are visible from the Musée d’Hippone, which displays mosaics and artifacts from the area. – Algeria Places

6. Constantine

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The capital of the province of Constantine, northeast of Algiers Constantine was formerly known as Cirta in Roman times and changed its name to Constantine in honor of the emperor Constantine the Great in 1848. From 1848 to 1962, it was the seat of the French Department of Constantine.

Situated somewhat inland on the Mediterranean coast about 80 kilometers from Algiers, Constantine is built around a series of picturesque bridges linking the hills, valleys, and ravines that surround the city.

The city is also home to several museums and historic sites. Constantine is also known as the “City of Bridges” due to the numerous bridges that span the various hills surrounding the city. – Algeria Places

7. Ghardaia

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Goudaïa, also known as Khardaïa or Khardaoud, is the capital and largest city of the province. It is situated in the northern-central part of Algiers in the Sahara desert and is located on the left shore of the Wadi Mzab.

The city is part of the Pentapolis, which includes four other hilltop cities, all of which were constructed in the M’Zab valley almost 1000 years ago.

The Mozabites were an Ibadi tribe of Berber Muslims. In 1982, the city was designated as a World Heritage Site due to its settlement-influencing urban planning still in place in the 21st century, III cultural values, and the presence of a settlement culture. – Algeria Places

8. Tlemcen

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Tlemcen, located in the north of Algiers, is a great place to visit. It’s famous for its Moorish architecture, like the Grand Mosque from the 11th century, which has a huge minaret and a cool mihrab. Plus, there’s a cool tomb of a Sufi teacher from the 12th century.

The mosque next to it is a real showstopper – it’s got all the stucco and carvings you’d expect from Almoravid architecture. In the center of the city, there’s El Mechouar, which was built in the 12th century and is surrounded by high walls. – Algeria Places

9. Setif

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Sétif is the capital of the province of Sétif and the 5th largest city of Algiers. It is considered the most important city in eastern Algeria and the whole of the country, as it is considered the commercial capital of the country. It is also an industrial pole with three industrial zones within its borders.

Sétif is an inner city located in the eastern part of the country, 270 kilometers east of Algiers and 131 km west of Constantine. It is located in the Hautes Plaines region south of the Béjaia area and south of the Jijel area, at an altitude of 1,100 meters.

In ancient times, Sétif was part of the Roman Empire and was the capital of the Berber Kingdom of Numidia. In the Maghreb, Sétif became a Muslim city after the Muslim conquest of Maghreb. – Algeria Places

10. El Oued

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


El Oued is a city and the capital of the El Oued Province in Algiers, in the south-eastern part of the country. It is situated approximately 400 miles south of Algiers, close to the Algerian-Tunisian border.

The city is named after an underground river, which provides water to the oasis town, allowing for the cultivation of date palm trees and the limited use of brick construction in housing.

As most roofs are dome-shaped, it is commonly referred to as the city of a thousand dwellings. – Algeria Places

11. Djanet

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Djanet is an oasis town and the capital of the Djanet District and Djanet Province in southeast Algiers. It is 412 km southeast of Illizi, and according to the 2008 census, its population was 14,655 and its annual population growth rate was 4.3%. Djanet is home to the Kel Ajjer Tuareg people.

The area of Djanet dates back to Neolithic times, and there was a time when the region was not desert. The flora and fauna around Djanet were abundant, as evidenced by the numerous rock paintings from Tassili n’Ajjer around the town. The inhabitants of Djanet were hunter-gatherer people. – Algeria Places

12. Batna

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Algeria’s capital and largest city, Batna, is located in Batna Province and is home to 290,645 inhabitants. It is the fifth-largest city in the country. Batna is one of the main cities of Chaoui and the capital of the Aurès region.

In 1844, a French garrison erected the first solid foundations of the city, a military encampment, to create a permanent access point to the main Sahara Road. Batna is situated in a region with a natural break in the Atlas Mountains, a feature that was not discovered by the Romans during their initial incursions.

Ancient cities such as Timgad, built in the early 1st century CE, attest to the significance of the Romans’ commercial influence in the region. – Algeria Places

13. Timgad

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Timgad is a Roman city located in modern-day Algiers, about 35 km northeast of Batna. It was founded around 100 CE by Roman Emperor Trajan. The city was named “Timgad” or “Tīmgād” in Arabic and is one of the best-preserved examples of the Roman grid plan.

In 1982, the ruins of Timgad were declared a World Heritage Site. The name “Tiggerad” is derived from the Arabic “Tiggera”, meaning “girdle.” The city was founded by Trajan in honor of his mother, mother-in-law, eldest sister, and father, Marcus Aurelius Traianus, son of Marcus Aurelius and Ulpia Aurelius. – Algeria Places

14. In Salah

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Ain Salah is a small oasis town in the middle of northern Africa, located in the Sahara Desert. It used to be a major trading hub on the Trans-Sahara caravan route. It’s the capital of Salah province and Salah district.

The population is growing at a slow pace of 1.5% each year, which is the lowest rate in the province. Salah got its name from the word “good well”. – Algeria Places

15. Bejaia

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Babéjaïa is a city in Kabylia, Algiers, North West Africa. It is the capital of Kabylia Province and one of the largest cities in the Kabylia Region, Kabylia, which is made up of mainly Kabylia-speaking areas.

The city was formerly known as Bougie or Bugia. Bouboujaïa is a major Mediterranean port city and a commune located on the Gulf of béjaïa, in Kabylia. – Algeria Places

16. Djemila

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


This small mountain village, formerly known as Cuicul and located on the northern coast of Algeria, is home to some of the most well-preserved Roman ruins in the North African region.

It is located near the Constantinos Mountains and the Petite Kabyle Mountains, and in 1982 was designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization for its adaptation of traditional Roman architecture to the mountain landscape.

The ancient ruins of Cuicul are home to a variety of notable buildings, such as a theatre, a two-forum, a temple, a basilica, an arch, a square, a street, and a house. The most remarkable feature of the ruins is the Harsh Forum, a large square with an entrance marked by a grand arch. – Algeria Places

17. Timimoun

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Timimoun is a city and commune located in the south-central region of Adrar Province in Algiers, Algiers, North West Africa. It is the capital and largest city of the Timimoun Sub-district.

The city is renowned for its red, ochre-colored buildings. – Algeria Places

18. Djamaa el Djazaïr

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The largest mosque in the world and the third largest in the world, after the Grand Mosque of Mecca in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and the Grand Mosque of Medina in Medina, Algiers.

The main hall of the mosque, known as the “salat” or “djamaa”, is 20,000 square meters and can seat 120,000 people.

Its central nave is encircled by colonnades and the mihrab, which is made of white marble, is located to the east. The ceiling of the hall is topped by the tallest minaret in the world, measuring 50 meters and rising to 70 meters. – Algeria Places

19. Kasbah

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The Casbah refers to the Algiers citadel and the traditional quarter around it. UNESCO declared the Kasbah a World Heritage Site in 1992, as it contains the remains of a citadel, ancient mosques, and Ottoman palaces, as well as a traditional urban structure linked to a deep sense of community. – Algeria Places

20. Le Jardin D’essai du Hamma

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The Hamma Test Garden is a botanical garden situated in Algiers, Algiers, France, established in 1832. It comprises an area of 32 hectares comprising 38 hectares of gardens and an arboretum of 20 hectares. – Algeria Places

21. Mzab valley

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


M’zab, also known as Aghlan, or simply Mzab, is a natural region in the northern Sahara Desert, located in Ghardaifa Province, Algiers, Algiers Governorate, Algiers Region. The Mzabites, or Ath Mzab, are a branch of the large Berber tribe of Iznaten, who lived in large parts of central and southern Algiers.

Many of the letters and symbols of the Tifinagh tribe are engraved in the Mzab valley. The Mozabites converted to Islam after the Muslim conquest of Maghreb under the leadership of Mu’tazili. The original Christian population survived until the 11th. – Algeria Places

22. Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Mauretania’s royal morgue is a morgue situated on the road from Cherchell to Algiers in Tipaza province, Algiers. This morgue is the burial place of King Juba II of Numidia and Queen Cleopatra Selene II, the sovereigns of Numidia and Mauretania caesariensis.

Their human remains have never been found at this morgue, possibly because of tomb raiding. – Algeria Places

23. Tipaza

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Tipaza is the capital and largest city of Tipaza Province in Algiers, North West Africa. It was also known as Tipasa during the Roman Empire. Tipaza is a town that dates back to 1857. It is best known for its old ruins and sandy beaches.

Tipaza is a city in the province of Tipaza, which means “Tipaza Bazaar” in Arabic and “Tefessedt” in Chinese. It is also known as “Tefpāza” in the Berber language. – Algeria Places

24. Qala Beni Hammad

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Qal’at Bani Hammad is an ancient fortified city in Algiers, near Maadhid. It dates back to the 11th century and is now in ruins. It’s located in the Hodna mountains, 1,418 meters above sea level, and gets plenty of water from the mountains around it.

It has a 7-kilometer-long line of walls, and inside are four residential complexes. It’s also the second-largest mosque in Algiers after Mansurah and has a minaret that towers 20 meters tall.

In 1980, UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site, and it’s been described as an “authentic picture” of a Muslim city. – Algeria Places

25. Fort Santa Cruz

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The Fort of Santa Cruz is one of three fortresses in Oran, the other two being the Fort de la Moune and the Fort de la Presse at the heart of Oran’s port. The three fortresses are linked by tunnels.

The fort was constructed by the Spanish in the years 1577 to 1604. It is situated above the Pic d’Aidour above the Bay of Oran, at an altitude of more than 400 m above sea level. The fort was occupied by the French in 1831.

The chapel of Santa Cruz is located near the fort. It has been restored and has a tower with a large statue of the Holy Virgin Mary, which is said to be the same as the statue of the Madonna and Child at the Saint-Gilles in Marseille, also known as the “Nouveau Défense”. – Algeria Places

26. Algerian Desert

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The Algerian desert is a desert in central North Africa in the country of Algeria. It is part of the Sahara and covers over 90% of the country’s land area.

As of 2018, it had a population of 3.6 million inhabitants, making up 10.5 percent of the total population of the country. – Algeria Places

27. Atlas Mountains

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Atlas Mountains is a mountain range located in North Africa, bordering the Sahara Desert, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. It is approximately 2,500 km in length and is traversed by Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia.

The highest point of the Atlas Mountains is the summit of Toubkal in central Morocco, which stands at 4,167 meters above sea level.

Berber populations and the mountain primarily populate the Atlas Mountains and ‘address’ are cognates of the toponym ‘atlas’. The mountains are a habitat for a variety of animals and plants, most of which are native to Africa, but some of which are also found in Europe.

Several of these species are in danger of extinction, and the climate is characterized by cool winters and sunny summers, with an average temperature of 25 °C. – Algeria Places

28. Hammam Meskutin Thermal Springs

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The bath of the damned is the name given to the thermal complex, which has been around since the time of the Roman emperors. The thermal complex and cascades are called Hammam Maskhout, Hammad Dbegh, Hammad Chellala, and Hammad Maskhout, respectively.

The name is Hammad Maskhoutine comes from the Arabic phrase “bath of the cursed”, which is also used to describe the hot springs. The historical name of this general area is “Maskhoutine”, which also refers to the legend that gave the town its name, “Maskhout”, and “Maskhoub”.

The waterfalls and thermal complex are called “Hammad Chellala”, “Hammad Dbegh”, “Maskham Maskhout” or “Bath of the Damned”. – Algeria Places

29. Tassili n’Ajjer

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Tassili and Ajjer National Park is located in the Sahara Desert on a huge plateau in southeast Algiers. It’s home to one of the world’s most important collections of ancient cave art, and it covers an area of over 72,000 square kilometers. In 1982, it was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. – Algeria Places

30. Jurjur National Park

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Algeria offers a wide variety of attractions, not only in terms of its historical landmarks but also in terms of its natural attractions. One of these natural attractions, located in the northern region of Algiers, is the Jurdyra National Park.

This park is renowned for its stunning scenery, which is sure to captivate any traveler. The park is composed of a variety of stunning mountain peaks, as well as dense forests, steep valleys, and cascading gorges. – Algeria Places

31. Pont Sidi M’Cid

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Sidi M’Cid Bridge, also known as Sidi M’Mid Suspension Bridge, is a 164m long suspension bridge in Constantine, Algiers, connecting the Casbah to the Sidi M‘Cid hill.

Completed in April 1912, the bridge was the world’s tallest suspension bridge at 175m until 1929. It was designed by the French engineer Ferrouille Arnodin. – Algeria Places

32. Grande Poste d’Alger

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The Algiers Central Post Office is a post office building in Algiers. It is the largest post office building in the country.

The building was designed by the architect Jules Voinot and was built in 1910. In 2015 the state converted it into a museum.

The main entrance to the Algiers Central post office is on Boulevard Mohamed-Khemisti, in the Alger Centre municipality of Algiers, Algiers. – Algeria Places

33. Emir Abdelkader Mosque

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The emir Abdelkader mosque is the second-largest mosque in algiers after djamaa al djazair in algiers. It is situated in the city of Constantine, the provincial capital of the province of Constantine. – Algeria Places

34. Basilique Notre-Dame-d’Afrique

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


On April 15, 1876, Pope Pius IX issued a two-pronged Pontifical decree towards the shrine. The first decree called for the coronation of the Marian image, which was enshrined in the basilica. On April 30, 1876, the coronation rites took place in the basilica of Basilica de’Afrique, Algiers.

The basilica is the source of modern Catholic devotion. It was founded by the Archdiocese of Algiers in 1876, under the auspices of the Archbishops of Carthage.

The second decree elevated the sanctuary to Basilica status based on an ancient custom. – Algeria Places

35. Martyrs’ Memorial, Algiers

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


He is a concrete monument dedicated to the martyrs of the Algerian War. It was inaugurated in 1982 on the twentieth anniversary of Algerian independence.

The monument is constructed in the form of three palm leaves, each of which shelters the “Eternal Flame” underneath. At the end of each of the palm leaves is a sculpture of a soldier, representing a stage in the Algerian struggle for independence. The name translates to “Martyr’s Memorial”. – Algeria Places

36. Botanical Garden Hamma

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The Test Garden of Hamma is a botanical garden in Algiers, Algiers, France. It was founded in 1832 and covers an area of 32 hectares with 38 hectares of Gardens and 20 Acres of Arboretum.

The garden is located in the former Hamma-answers district. – Algeria Places

37. Lalla Khedidja

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Lalla Khadija is the highest mountain in the Algiers region of Algiers, Algiers, North West Africa. It is situated at an altitude of 2,308 meters and is the highest point of the Djurdjar Range, which is part of the Tell Atlas subrange. – Algeria Places

38. Mount Tahat

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Algeria’s highest mountain peak, Mount Tahat, is situated in the arid and rocky high plateau region of the Central Sahara Desert. It is the highest point of Algiers and the highest peak of the Hoggar mountains. That is the highest point in Algiers and is the highest peak of the Hoggar mountains.

The highest point of Tahat in Algiers is 3,003 m or 9,852 feet above sea level. The highest point of the Hoggar mountain is 3,098 m or 9,541 feet, while the highest point of the mountains is 3,003 meters.

The nearest city of Algiers to the summit of Mount Tahat is Tamarasset, 56 km south of the capital, Algiers. The mountains of Tahat are volcanic in origin. The area is populated by the Tuareg people. In the north, cave paintings are dating back to 8000 to 2000 BC. – Algeria Places

39. Pic des Singes

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The Pic des Singes is a mountain in northern Algiers, North Africa, northwest of the city of Bejaïa, in Cap Carbon, Tell Atlas region, on the coast of the Mediterranean. – Algeria Places

40. Djebel Chélia

Algeria Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


The highest mountain in Algiers and the second highest in Algiers after Mount Tahat. It is located in the western part of the country of Bouhmama. The Abiod Valley starts at the base of the mountain.

The highest peak in Algiers is the one known as Djebel Chélia. This peak is located in the eastern part of the region of Aurès. The highest point of Aurès mountains is the one called Djebel.

The highest point of the mountains of Algiers and the highest point of the Algiers region is the one called Abiod. The highest point is the mountain of Abiod, located in the western region of Bouhmama, in the province of Boughamma. The highest peak of the mountains is the mountain called Djebel

Mount Tahat, is located in the north-west of the country of Algiers. Mount Tahat is located in the southeastern part of the country. – Algeria Places

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