Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma. Myanmar is a predominantly Buddhist country in Southeast Asia. It is home to more than 100 ethnic communities. Myanmar is strategically located on the borders of India, Bangladesh, and China, as well as Laos and Thailand.

The capital of Myanmar, Yangon, is the country’s largest city and is home to one of the world’s busiest markets, many parks and lakes. The city is also home to the world-famous Shwedagon Pagoda, a 6th-century gilded structure that houses Buddhist relics.

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1. Bagan

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Bagan is an ancient Burmese city and UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Myanmar’s Mandalay Region. It was the capital city of the kingdom of Bagan from the 9th to the 13th centuries. It was the first kingdom that united the regions that later became Myanmar.

The Burmese language is Burmese and the English language is English. The Burmese version of the Burmese name is “Bagan” and the English version is “Bagan”.The city of Bagan was known as “Pu” or “Pu” in the Burmese language.

The Bagan Kingdom was the first of the kingdoms that unified the regions of what would later become Myanmar. During the period of the 11th to 13th century, the Bagan plains were the site of over 10,000 Buddhist Temples, Pagodas, and Monasteries. The remains of more than 2200 temples and Pagodas survive. – Burma Places

2. Ananda Temple

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The Ananda Temple, also known as the “Westminster Abbey of Myanmar”, is a Buddhist temple located in Bagan in Myanmar. It was constructed in 1105 AD under the reign of the Pagan Dynasty king Kyansittha. The temple features four standing Buddha statues facing the cardinal directions of east, north, west, and south.

The layout of the temple is cruciform, with several terraced areas leading to the small pagoda atop the temple, which is covered by an umbrella called the. This umbrella or top ornament can be found in almost every pagoda in Myanmar.

The Ananda Temple is said to be a “fusion of Mon and Indian style of architecture”. It bears a strong resemblance to the 10th to 11th century Pathothamya Temple in Myanmar. It has been described as “a veritable museum of stones.” – Burma Places

3. Shwezigon Pagoda

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Shwedagon pagoda or Shwedagon paya is a Burmese Buddhist stupa, a prototype of the Burmese style of stupa. The pagoda consists of a circular golden leaf-shaped stupa, encircled by smaller temples and smaller shrines.

The construction of the pagoda began in 1059-1060 during the reign of King Anawrahta of the Pagan Empire and was finished in 1102 under his son King Kyansittha.

The pagoda has been damaged by numerous earthquakes and other natural disasters over the centuries and has been renovated several times. During recent renovations, it has been covered with more than 30, 000 copper plates. The lowest-level terraces of the pagoda were left as they were. – Burma Places

4. Dhammayangyi Temple

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The Burmese version of the name is “Dhammayan” which means “The Great Temple” in Burmese. This Buddhist temple is the largest in Bagan and was built according to the same plan as Ananda Temple. The Burmese chronicle states that while the temple was under construction, the king was murdered by some Indians, and the temple was never finished.

However, the Sinhalese source states that the King was killed by some Sinhalese raiders. The Dhammayan is the largest temple in Bagan and was built during King Narathu’s reign. Narathu probably built this largest temple after killing his father, his elder brother, and his elder brother to make up for his sins. – Burma Places

5. Bagan Archaeological Museum

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Located in the ancient city of Bagan, Myanmar, the Bagan Archaeological Museum was founded in 1904, close to the Ananda Temple. The museum was restored in 1938. During World War II, the museum’s artifacts were buried underground. – Burma Places

6. Bagan Golden Palace

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Bagan Golden Palace is located near Tharabar Gate which is the main gate of the old city of Bagan. Based on the excavation findings and evidence, the reconstruction work of Bagan Golden Palace started in August 2003 and finished in November 2007 under the guidance and supervision of the Ministry of Culture. Bagan Golden Palace was opened on January 2, 2. – Burma Places

7. Tharabar Gate

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The gate is the only one left standing at Bagan. It is situated on the eastern side of the ancient city. According to Burmese history, the city was fortified in the year 849 CE. But radiocarbon dates of evidence indicate that the main walls of Bagan were built in the year 1020 CE. – Burma Places

8. Gawdawpalin Temple

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Gawdawpalin Pagoda is the second-highest temple in Bagan at 55 meters. The pagoda was built in 1203 during Sithu II’s reign in Bagan and was finished in 1227 during Htilominlo’s reign. – Burma Places

9. Bupaya

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The Buddhist pagoda of Bagan is a small pagoda with a bulbous dome. It was built by the 3rd King of Pagan between 168 and 243 AD. The pagoda is located at a bend on the right bank of a river on the outskirts of Bagan. It is among thousands of new or destroyed pagodas in the ancient city of Pagan, which is about 90 miles south of Mandalay.

The original Pagoda of Bagan was destroyed by an earthquake in 1975. The bulbous dome of the pagoda fell into the river after the earthquake. The pagoda was completely rebuilt using modern materials but with less adherence to its original design. It was then built as a gilded superstructure. – Burma Places

10. Yangon

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The capital of Myanmar, Yangon, is the country’s largest city. The city’s skyline is a mix of colonial-era British colonial architecture, contemporary high-rises, and ornate Buddhist pagodas.

The city’s most famous landmark is Shwedagon Paya, a vast, sparkling pagoda complex that attracts thousands of tourists each year. Other religious sites in Yangon include Botataung Pagoda and Sule Pagoda, both of which contain Buddhist relics. – Burma Places

11. Maha Bandula Park

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Maha Bandula Park is a public park in the center of Yangon, Myanmar. It is named after Maha Bandula, a general who fought against British forces during the First Angkor War. The park is bordered on the east, west, south, and north by Sule Pagoda Road, Konthe Road, Maha Bandula Garden Street, and Mahabandula Road. It is surrounded by some important landmarks in the area, including the Sule pagoda, Yangon City Hall, and the High Court. – Burma Places

12. The Secretariat Yangon

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The Ministers’ Building, also known as the “Ministers’ Office” and “The Secretariat” or “Secretariat Yangon”, was British Burma’s home and administrative headquarters, located in the heart of Yangon, Burmese capital.

It is also the location of Aung San’s assassination, as well as the murder of eight cabinet ministers. The British government relocated the office from its former home on Strand Road due to a surge in administrative work necessitating an urgent expansion of the cramped and ill-lit administration building. – Burma Places

13. Yangon Chinatown

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Tayoke Tan, also known as Yangon Chinatown, is located west of Downtown Yangon’s Sule Pagoda. The main center of Yangon’s Chinatown is located on 19th Street.

Continuing west along Sule Pagoda Road, you will find the busiest Chinatown quarters of the city, similar to Chinatowns around the world. These streets fall under Latha Township.

Sule Pagoda Road, 24th Street, 23rd Street, 22nd Street, 20th Street, 19th Street, 18th Street, Bo Ywe Street, Latha Street, Sint Oh Dan Road steaming with traffic. – Burma Places

14. Kandawgyi Park

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Kandawgyi Nature Park is situated northeast of downtown Yangon at the intersection of Natmuk Road and Kandawgyi Kanpat Road, east of Shwedagon Pagoda. The easiest way to get there is by walking or taking a taxi. How to get there by bus from the Shwedagon Pagoda east gate stop, get off at 3 Street. – Burma Places

15. Tomb of Bahadur Shah Zafar

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The last Mughal Emperor, Shah Zafar, was buried at the rear of his enclosure at Rangoon, in what is now Yangon, Myanmar. His grave was forgotten until 1903 when the British erected a stone slab over his grave after some protests. In 1991, excavators discovered the skeleton of the late Mughal Emperor Shah Zafar at the site of his burial. The mausoleum of Shah Zafar was built and opened in 1994. – Burma Places

16. Htauk Kyant War Memorial Cemetery

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Tukkyan War Cemetery is a Burmese cemetery that houses the graves of more than 27,000 Allied soldiers of the British Commonwealth who lost their lives fighting in Burma during World War II. The cemetery is located in Taukkyan village, about 25 km northeast of Yangon on the Pyay road. The cemetery is managed by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

The cemetery is home to 6,374 graves of Second World War soldiers, and 52 graves of First World War soldiers who lost their lives in Burma. The graves of unidentified soldiers are also included in the cemetery. The cemetery is one of the highest-visited and highest-rated war sites in Asia. – Burma Places

17. National Museum of Myanmar

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The National Museum of Myanmar is the main one of the two National Museums of Burmese Art, History, and Culture in Myanmar. It was founded in 1952. It is located in Dagon in Yangon. The National Museum of Myanmar has over 4000 permanent objects in its five-story building. The main attraction of the National Museum of Myanmar is the Lion Throne, which is the only original Lion Throne of Burmese Monarchs.

This Lion Throne is one of the most important pieces of historical memorabilia of Burmese culture and history. Other important items in the museum include ancient artifacts and ornaments, works of art, and inscriptions. – Burma Places

18. Mandalay

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Mandalay is a city and the former royal capital of northern Myanmar. It is situated along the Irrawaddy River. The city’s main feature is the restored Palace of Peace from the time of the ruling Konbaung dynasty, which is encircled by a large moat.

At the top of Mandalay Hill, overlooking the city is a covered stairway that leads to the summit of the hill. At the foot of the hill, is the kuthodaw pagoda, which houses hundreds of marble slabs inscribed with Buddhist texts. – Burma Places

19. U Bein Bridge

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The U Bein Bridge is a bridge across the lake near the city of Amarapura, Myanmar. The bridge is 1.2 kilometers long and 1.75 kilometers wide and was constructed around 1850. It is considered the world’s oldest and longest bridge made of teak wood.

The construction of the bridge began after the capital of the ancient kingdom of Ava moved to the town of Amarapura. The bridge was named after the local ruler, Min Aung San Suu Kyi, who commissioned the construction of the bridge.

The bridge serves as an important passage for the local population and has become a popular tourist attraction, and thus a major source of revenue for souvenir vendors The bridge is especially busy during the peak months of July and August. – Burma Places

20. Mandalay Hill

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Mandalay Hill is a 240m hill situated northeast of the city center of Mandalay, Myanmar. It is the hill that gave the city its name. Mandalay Hill has a large number of pagodas and monasteries. It has been a major Burmese Buddhist pilgrimage site for almost two centuries. Sutaungpyei is the Pagoda at the top of this hill.

View of Mandalay from the top of this hill makes it worth trying to climb up. There are 4 covered stairs called saung-dan that lead up this hill from the south to the southeast, to the west, and the north. These stairways are lined with masonry work seats up the hill. – Burma Places

21. Inle Lake

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Inle Lake lies in Myanmar’s Shan Hills. At Inle Lake’s southwest tip is a tied-up pagoda with gold-plated Buddha sculptures. In Indein’s market town in the hills, the golden-tufted stupas in Shwe Inn Dein Pagoda look like a field of golden spires.

In Nyaung Ohak, the destroyed stupas are reclaimed by the forest. In Maing Thauk village, the land is divided into two halves by a wooden bridge. – Burma Places

22. Nga Phe Chaung Monastery

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Known as the oldest and biggest monastery in the lake community of Inle, this wooden temple was constructed on stilts over 200 years ago, making it one of the oldest monasteries in Myanmar.

The floating gardens of the monastery are a must-visit, especially if you are planning to visit the Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda or just returning from there. – Burma Places

23. Shwe Yan Pyay

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Shwe Yan Pyay monastery is a beautiful 19th-century red teak building with big oval windows on stilts, which is the theme of this monastery. Its unique features make it a must-visit for all tourists.

Situated almost 2.4 km north of young Shwe, Shwe Yan Play Monastery stands out due to its red-painted teak building. – Burma Places

24. Naypyidaw

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Naypyiteaw is Myanmar’s modern capital, located north of the country’s former capital Yangon. The buildings of the Hluttaw complex feature traditional tiered roofs. At the National Museum, visitors can explore the nation’s rich cultural heritage, including Burmese arts and artifacts.

The gold stupa is housed in the Great Hall of the National Museum. Inside the stupa is a collection of Buddhist literature, with stories carved into the stone. Nearby is an enclosure containing white elephants, which were once prized by the Burmese royal family. – Burma Places

25. Naypyitaw Water Fountain Park

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Naypyidaw water fountain garden is a garden located in Naypyidaw mynpyidaw city hall with a steel structure ar-way. The garden consists of a main pond containing 3 fountains, 11 small ponds containing 13 fountains, a 30-foot high clock tower, 9 recreation centers, 2 small gardens, 2 stone gardens, and 10-foot wide buggy road & footpaths. This garden is located near Nay Pyidaw-taungnyo Road. The garden covers an area of 165 acres. – Burma Places

26. National Herbal Park

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


National Herbal Park is a 200-acre National Herbal Park in Naypyitaw, Myanmar. The National Herbal Park opened on January 4, 2008. There is no entrance fee. Over 20,000 Herbal and medicinal plants are grown in the National Herbal Park. The herbs come from over 700 species from different states and divisions in Myanmar.

The herbal park is a part of the government’s efforts to protect and conserve the herbs to prevent their depletion and extinction and keep alive the traditional system of medicines in Myanmar. – Burma Places

27. National Landmark Garden

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Named after the National Landmark, the National Garden is located next to the National Botanic Gardens of Myanmar and about 30 minutes from the center of Nay Pyi Taw. It features scale models of famous monuments from each State of Myanmar, including the country’s most famous pagoda.

The National Landmark covers more than 50 hectares of parkland, including a mini-theme park and a large garden. Established in 2006, the National Landmark allows visitors to see ancient cultural structures, pagodas and stupas, palaces and caves, hills and mountains. – Burma Places

28. Royal Myanmar Golf Club

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Royal Myanmar Golf Club Nay Pyi Taw is the capital city of the Union of Myanmar. The golf resort is located in the hotel zone. The Royal Myanmar Golf Club was opened in May 2010. The golf club is situated in an oasis. It is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, green and fairways, and natural terrain and hills. The course length is 7200 yards. The Pacific Coast Design Group from Australia designed the championship course. The international standard design shows the natural beauty of the area.

Players of all levels can enjoy the golf course. Challenging fairways, strategically placed bunkers and well-manicured greens make the course challenging for all players. Whether you are a pro golfer or a beginner, you must visit Royal Myanmar Golf Club for the best golf in Myanmar. – Burma Places

29. Taunggyi

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Myelat Myelat Region, Shan State is the capital of Shan State and the largest city in Myanmar. It is situated on the intersection of the Thazi and Kyayingtong roads, at an altitude of 4.712 feet, and is situated northwest of Shwenyaung and southeast of Inle Lake. As of 2014, the city’s population was estimated to be 380,665, making it the fifth largest in Myanmar. – Burma Places

30. Ngwe Saung

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


ngwesaung, also spelt as ngwe hsaung is a beach resort situated 48 km west of pathein, ayeyarwady region, Myanmar. The name of the resort is the same as the name of the Subtownship in Pathein Township. In 2014 the town had a population of 10,732 inhabitants. The beach is about 5 hours away from the capital city of Yangon and has no traffic.

An airport is planned to be built near the beach. Buses depart at 6 am and 9:30 pm from the entrance of the Yangon Central Railway Station. Opened in March 2000, Ngwe Hsaung is newer than the more well-known Chaung Thar Beach and is aimed at people with bigger holiday budgets. – Burma Places

31. Kakku Pagodas

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Kakku complex is situated in the hills southeast of Inle Lake. The 60 km drive from Taunggyi takes between 1½ and 2 hours; the drive from the western end of the lake takes an extra hour. The trek through the hills is very scenic but difficult, taking 5 to 7 hours depending on where you start.

Wooden bungalows are available for overnight stays. A guide is required; ask local travel agents or hotels nearby. The complex is served by a restaurant serving Burmese food. – Burma Places

32. Mahamuni Buddha Temple:

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


According to ancient tradition, the Buddha himself went to Arakan city in 554 B.C. and asked for an image of him to be cast. When the image was finished, the Buddha took a breath. Two of the Buddha’s portraits were in India and one in paradise.

The fifth portrait is in Myanmar and is known as the “Mahamuni Image”. It is one of the most venerated Buddhist temples in Myanmar and is a major pilgrimage site for many people in the country. – Burma Places

33. Kalaw

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Kalaw is one of the hill towns in the Shan state of Myanmar. The hill station is situated in the Kalaw township in Taunggyi district. During colonial rule, the town was popular among the British.

Kalaw is also the main setting in the novel Das herzenhollen by jan-Philipp sendker. It is situated at 1310 meters above sea level and is 50 km away from the lake Inle.

The hill station in Kalaw is popular for trekking and hiking. There are many trekking trails from the nearby places to Lake Inle and Pindaya. – Burma Places

34. Ngapali

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Ngapali Beach, also known as Napally, is a 7 km long beach with turquoise blue water and soft white sand. Ngapali is one of our favorite beaches in Asia. Ngapali Beach is located in Myanmar. Myanmar has some of the best undiscovered beaches in the world.

The beautiful palm trees along the coastline and the fact that Myanmar is still relatively new to tourism means that the beaches are almost empty. This complete travel guide will help you discover one of the best beaches in Asia. – Burma Places

35. Pindaya

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Pindaya is a town located in the western part of the Shan state of Myanmar. It is situated in the Pindaya township in Taunggyi district. Pindaya is one of the most famous towns in the Shan state.

Pindaya is famous for the limestone caves called Pindaya caves. The Pindaya caves have been used for the worship of Buddha images for centuries. This town is one of the itinerant markets. – Burma Places

36. Hsipaw

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Hsipaw, also called Thibaw, is the main city in Hsipaw township, Hsipaw State, Shan State, Myanmar. It is located 200 km northeast of Mandalay. Baung was originally the capital of the Hsipaw area. It was a loyal vassal of the kingdom of Ava from 1450s to 1527.

After Ava fell to the Shans in 1543-1546, a prince from On Baung was crowned king of Ava. A few years later, the Hanthawaddy king Bayinnaung invaded On Baung and forced the prince, like all Shan princes, to acknowledge his sovereignty to keep his throne. The Shans were forced to give up some of their lands, including Mogok. – Burma Places

37. Hpa-An

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Hpa-An, also known as Pa-an in Burmese, is a major city in Kayin State, Myanmar’s Karen State, and the capital of the state. As of the 2014 Census, the population of the city was estimated to be 421,575 individuals, with the majority of inhabitants belonging to the Karen ethnic population. – Burma Places

38. Kan Thar Yar Lake

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


KAN THAR YAR LAKE IS THE BIGGEST LAKE IN KAYIN STAN! It’s a popular spot for tourists and is a romantic spot in popular culture. It’s also known for the bridge that runs over it. It’s located in the middle of Hpa and covers around 100 acres.

To make it more attractive to tourists, the government of Kayin State built a 12-foot wide circuit, a park, a playground for kids, and waterfalls around the lake. And in April 2022, they built a new pedestrian bridge over it with 289 million Myanmar kats. – Burma Places

39. Mergui

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Myeik is a rural city situated in the extreme southern part of Myanmar on an island off the Andaman Sea, with an estimated population of more than 209,000 inhabitants as of 2010. It is the largest city in the Tanintharyi region and the regional headquarters of the Myanmar Navy.

The area surrounding Myeik is a major smuggling route into Thailand, with the international crossing point of the Singkhon Pass. Myeik is commonly referred to as “Mrit” in Myanmar, “Ptor�ik” in Myanmar, and “Marit” in Thailand. – Burma Places

40. Purcell Tower

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Purcell Tower is located in Pyinoolwin township, pyin Oo Lwin district, Mandalay region. Purcell Tower is located near myoma baha mosque and Krishna temple. – Burma Places

41. Mingun Temple

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Mingun is an incomplete stupa located in the Sagaing Region of central Myanmar. It is situated approximately 10 kilometers northwest of Mandalay. The stupa is the result of a large-scale construction project initiated in 1790 by the Buddhist monarch, King Bodawpa, which was deliberately left unfinished.

Bodawpa constructed the stupa as a physical manifestation of his eccentricities, and he established an observation post off an island off the coast of Mingun to oversee its construction. – Burma Places

42. Maha Bandula Park

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Maha Bandula Park, also known as Mahabandula, Mahabandoola, Mahabandula Garden, or Mahabandula, is the name of a public park in Yangon, Myanmar. It is located in the center of the city, surrounded by some important buildings, including the Sule pagoda, the Myanmar City Hall, and the Supreme Court of Myanmar.

The park was named after Maha Bandul, a general who fought the British during the First Anglo-Burmese War. The park is divided into three parts: Maha Bandul Garden Street on the eastern side, Sule Pagoda Road on the western side, and Konthe Road on the southern side. Maha Bandul Road runs through the middle of the park. – Burma Places

43. Dukkanthein

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The Cross-beam Ordination Hall is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Rakhine State, Western Myanmar. It is a ‘thein’ (ordination hall) built on raised ground. It has a single entrance with small windows.

According to Emile Forchhammer, a British Raj archaeologist who studied Mrauk U at the end of the 19th century, these temples may have been used as a refuge for Buddhist religious order during periods of war. – Burma Places

44. Bagan Archaeological Museum

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The Bagan Archaeological Museum is one of the oldest museums in Myanmar. It was founded in 1904 near Ananda Temple and was restored in 1938. During World War II, the museum was buried in the ground to prevent it from being destroyed.

After Myanmar’s independence in 1952, the museum was taken over by the Ministry of Culture. The museum has a three-story structure and houses some of the most valuable artifacts of the Bagan period, including the original inscriptions of the Myazedi dynasty and the Rosetta Stone of Burma. – Burma Places

45. Macleod Island:

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Macleod Island (Myanmar Adman Resort) is a private island under the control of Myanmar Adman Resort. It is located in the Mergui archipelago. It is located about 75 km from Kawthaung island.

The Mergui Archipelago consists of over 800 pristine islands scattered in the Adman Sea. The absence of flora and fauna can be seen both above sea level and below it. The highest point of the island is about 200 m. Macleod Island has three soft whites and beaches surrounded by the tropical wilderness. – Burma Places

46. Shan State

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


Shan State is a state in Myanmar. It is bordered on the north by China, on the east by Laos, and the south by Thailand. It is also bordered on the west by five other administrative divisions of Myanmar. The largest of Myanmar’s 14 divisions by land mass, Shan State encompasses an area of 155.800 km² or nearly 25% of the country’s total area. – Burma Places

47. Mrauk U

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


MRAUK U, also known as Mraku-U or Mraku-u-u, is a town located in the northern part of the state of Rakhine in Myanmar. Mraku-U is the capital and seat of Mraku Township, which is the subregion of Mraku District.

The town is culturally significant to the Rakhine people and is home to many important archaeological sites. From 1430 to 1785, the Mraku Kingdom was the most influential and influential Rakhine Kingdom in the history of the Rakhine state. – Burma Places

48. Sule Pagoda

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The Sule pagoda, Burmese. It’s one of the oldest Buddhist stupas in Myanmar. It’s located at the heart of Yangon, the capital of Myanmar. It occupies the city’s center and plays an important role in modern Burmese political life, ideology, and geography.

The Sule pagoda was built before the Shwedagon pagoda during the Buddha’s time, making it over 2600 years old. According to Burmese legends, an old person who lived at the site where today’s Sule pagoda stands asked to reveal its location to an old nat.

49. Chaukhtatgyi Buddha Temple

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


One of the most famous Buddhist Temples in Myanmar is the Chaochatgyi Buddha Temple. This temple is located in Bahan township, Yangon region, Myanmar. This temple has one of the most famous reclining Buddha images in Myanmar. The image of the Buddha is 66 meters long. This Buddha image is one of the largest reclining Buddhas in Myanmar. – Burma Places

50. Thatbyinnyu Temple

Burma Places: 50 Best Places to Visit in Burma


The Burmese name for this temple is the “Thatbyinnyu” which means “Omniscient Temple” in Burmese. It is one of the Theravadin Buddhist Temples in Bagan, Myanmar. It is recognized as a Monument in the Bagan Archaeological Area, which is a World Heritage Site.

The temple was completed in 1150-51 under King Sithu I during the Bagan period. The highest point of the temple is 66m, making it the tallest temple in the city of Bagan, next to the 100m stupa that is the tallest in Bagan. – Burma Places

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