Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi. Burundi is a country located in the middle of Africa, at the border between East and West Africa. It’s bordered on the north by Rwanda, on the east by Tanzania, and on the west by the DR of the Congo. The capital is Gitega, which is the largest city in the country.

50 Best Places to Visit in Burma

1. Bujumbura

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Bujumbura, also known as Usumbura in French, is Burundi’s economic capital, biggest city, and main port. It’s the main port for coffee, cotton, and tin ore. It used to be the normal capital, Bujumbura. But in late December 2018, it was announced that all branches of government would be relocated to Gitega, and Bujumbura would stay as the economic capital and hub of commerce. This was made official by a vote in Burundi’s Parliament on 16 January 2019. – Burundi Places

2. Ruzizi National Park

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Rusizi National Park is a national park located in the northern part of Burundi, along the Rusizi River. It is situated approximately 15 km north of Burundi’s capital city, Bujumbura.

The park is home to a variety of animals, including hippopotamus and sitatunga.[4] It is said that the Nile crocodile, Gustave, has killed 300 people in the area. – Burundi Places

3. Kibira National Park

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Kibira National Park is located in the northwest of Burundi and covers an area of 400 km2 or 150 sq mi. It’s bordered on the north by the border with Rwanda and is connected to Nyungwe National Park.

It’s a national park that covers four provinces and is located on top of the mountains on the border between the Congo and Nile divide. The park is named after the town of Kibira, which is part of the national park. – Burundi Places

4. Rusizi River

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


The Ruzizi River is a river that runs from the central African country of Central Africa, where it originates in Lake Kivu. It’s 117 kilometers long and descends from around 1,500 meters to about 770 meters above sea level.

The steepest parts of the river are in the first 40 kilometers, where hydroelectric dams are built. Along the way, the river has gentle hills and runs through a delta with one or two smaller channels that separate from the main one. – Burundi Places

5. Regina Mundi Cathedral

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Regina Mundi Cathedral is a Catholic church located in the former capital city of Africa’s Burundi, Burundi. The cathedral serves as the seat of the Metropolitanarchy of Buijumbura, which was established by Pope Benedict on 25 November 2006 through the Bull Cum ad patio.

The name of the cathedral is derived from the Latin phrase “cathedral of the queen of the world in Bujumbura”. – Burundi Places

6. Unity Monument

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


The Statue of Unity, the highest sculpture in the world, is situated in the vicinity of Kevadia in the Indian state of Gujarat. It is dedicated to the memory of the Indian statesman and self-proclaimed freedom fighter, Vallabha Patel, who served as the first deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of independent India.

He was a follower of the revolutionary Mahatma Gandhi and is renowned for his role in uniting the five hundred and sixty-two princely states into one unified state, known as the Union of India. This statue stands 182 meters tall and is situated on the River Narmada’s banks in the Kevadiya colony, 100 kilometers southeast of the capital, Vadodara. – Burundi Places

7. Jardin Public Bujumbura

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


This park is an ideal location for leisurely walks or jogging. It features a café, children’s activities, and two indoor and outdoor sports facilities.

The lawn is kept neat, and the park has hundreds of blooming flowers. – Burundi Places

8. Gitega

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Gitega is the capital city of Burundi and was formerly known as Kitega. It’s located in the middle of the country, on the central plateau, about 62 km away from the capital, Bujumbura. Gitega is the second biggest city in the country, and it was the royal capital of the country until it was abolished in 1966.

In late 2018, President Pierre Ngurungu said that Gitega would get its old political capital status back, while Bujumbura would stay as the economic capital and trade hub. On 16 January 2019, a vote in the Burundi Parliament made the change official, and it’s expected that all branches of government will move there in just over three years. – Burundi Places

9. Bujumbura Mairie

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Burundi’s economic capital is the largest city and the principal port of the country. It is the seaport of choice for the majority of the country’s main exports, including coffee and cotton as well as tin ore. It was formerly the normal capital of the country, Usumbura.

In December 2018, it was announced that the former political capital, Gitega, would be restored to its former status of political capital after a vote in the Burundi Parliament on 16 January 2019.

All branches of government in the country are expected to relocate to the Gitega area within the next three years. This is in line with a 2007 promise made by Burundian President Pierre Ngulumbwa. – Burundi Places

10. Gishora Drum Sanctuary

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Burundi is home to one of the most famous drum sites in the world, Gishora. Located 7km from Gitega city center and 200m above sea level, Gishora sits atop a hillside.

Historically, drums in Burundi were a symbol of political power for the monarchy. Specialized families, known as ‘Abatimba’, made and beat them on special occasions.

These drums were used to announce important events in the country, such as royal enthrones, sowing festivals, and royal funerals, as well as to set the rhythm of the regular seasons.

These drums were not only musical instruments but also sacred objects that were passed down from generation to generation. – Burundi Places

11. Karera Waterfalls

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Kagera Falls is a series of cascading waterfalls in southeast Burundi. The falls are located south of Rutana and cover an area of over 142 hectares. The falls are composed of six branches divided by three landings.

On the first level, there is a main fall divided into two parallel branches. The length of the two branches is estimated at 80 m and they pour onto a basin.

The main fall consists of several small waterfalls intersecting with two platforms. A smaller waterfall is located about 50 m west of the main fall. The waters of these two falls meet on a second landing and form the third waterfall that pours onto the valley. – Burundi Places

12. Ruvubu National Park

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Ruvubu is a national park located in Burundi, covering an area of 508 km2. It was established in 1980 and is divided into four provinces. It borders Tanzania to the south and is named after the river that runs through the area.

The park is home to a variety of wildlife, including hippopotamuses, Nile crocodiles, Cape buffaloes, waterbuck, duikers, and five primate species. There are around 200 species of birds in the park. – Burundi Places

13. Lake Rwihinda

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Lake Rwihinda Natural Reserve is located in the north of the country and is one of Burundi’s most popular holiday destinations. The lake and the surrounding area are a protected nature reserve that has some of the most interesting flora and fauna in the country.

The area is composed of shrubs, forests, and wetlands. The shrubland covers quite a large part of the area. The areas are used for fishing and agriculture while the remainder is used for nature conservation research. – Burundi Places

14. Kigwena Forest Nature Reserve

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Kigwena Forest Reserve is located in Rumonge, just outside of Bururi Town, about 42km from the capital. It covers an area of 3,300 hectares, stretching from 773 to 820m above sea level, along the lake in Rumonge.

It’s nestled in the western part of the Congolese-Nile mountain range and descends a gentle slope onto the plain. It’s a beautiful peri-Guinean forest full of lush vegetation, big cats, monkeys, and lots of different birds and butterflies. – Burundi Places

15. Mount Heha

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Mount Heha is one of the highest mountains in Burundi, as well as the highest point of the Burundi Highland mountain range. Situated in the rural Bujumbura district of Burundi, it is situated approximately 20 km east of the Lake Tanganyika basin and 30 km southeast of the former capital, Bujumbura. – Burundi Places

16. Saga Plage Beach

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Saga Beach Burundi is a stunning beach located five kilometers northwest of Bujumbura. It was named after Saga Beach Resort, the biggest restaurant and bar around. Before that, it was known as Coconut Beach.

On weekends, it’s usually full of people, but on weekdays it can be really quiet and peaceful. So make sure you get a guided tour to find the perfect spot to relax. The long white sand is perfect for walking, taking in the fresh air, and watching the sun go down.

The atmosphere is peaceful and peaceful, and everyone who visits always comes back. – Burundi Places

17. The “Source du Nil”

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


This small spring, located at Kasumo in the Nyungwe Forest National Park in Rwanda, is competing with another spring in the area for the title of the source of the Nile. Even though there is no single source of the Nile, this seemingly insignificant spring may be the most southern source, du Nil.

The site is marked by a stone pyramid, however, access is almost impossible without the use of a private vehicle. For those who prefer a swim, there are further hot springs located 10km south of Kasumo. – Burundi Places

18. Vyanda Forest Nature Reserve

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Vyanda is a forest reserve you can get to from Rumonge, and the main draw is the chance to see chimps. Unfortunately, the facilities are pretty sketchy at the moment, but if you can get in touch with INECN’s office in Rumonge, you’ll be able to arrange a visit. It’s usually set up for people who have their transport, but you can also get in by local transport.

You can expect to pay around BIF10,000 for entry and a guide if you want to see chimps, and BIF5,000 if you don’t. Transport from Rumonge to the reserve is about BIF15,000, and the return trip is about the same. The chimps aren’t used to humans, so don’t expect the same close encounters you’d get in other places. – Burundi Places

19. Bururi Forest Nature Reserve

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


This nature reserve in southwest Burundi was created in 1951 and is classified as a wilderness area by the IUCN. It covers an area of 33 km2 and is managed by the INECN. It gets between 1200mm and 2400mm of rain each year.

The Bururi Forest is home to 93 species of trees, including dominant species like Strombosia, Myrianthus, and Tabernaemonontana, as well as more common species like Newtonia and Entandocrinragma. In addition, there are 87 species of birds, including the common Apalis Argentea, which is found in some areas. – Burundi Places

20. Rumonge Nature Reserve

Burundi Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Burundi


Kigwena forest nature reserve is situated in the Southwestern part of Bururi Province in the area of Rumonge Commune. The reserve is surrounded by Cabara village and Karonda village in the Kigwena area. Lake Tanganyika lies to the west, National Road No. 3 lies to the east, palm grove lies to the south and a footpath leads to the port of Karonda in the north.

The Kigwena Forest is classified as a peri-Guinean forest, similar to the Congo basin forest. The forest is rich in vegetation species, with Terminalia superba being the most common, followed by Elaie guineensis, and Albizia Zygia. – Burundi Places

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