Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti. Djibounga, located on the African continent’s horn, is a land of arid shrubs, volcanic outcrops, and beaches on the Gulf of Aden. It is mainly spoken in French and Arabic and is home to the world’s saltiest body of water, Lake Assal.

The Danakil desert is home to the nomadic Afars, who have settlements along the shores of Lake Abbe. Lake Abbe is a saltwater body with a chimney-like mineral formation.

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1. Lac ‘Assal

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Lake Assal is a crater lake located in the Danakil Desert, Central Djibouti, Africa. Its emerald waters are restored by dormant volcanoes and black volcanic fields. The lake lies at an altitude of more than 150m, making it the lowest point in all of Africa.

The wet part is a body of very salty water, fed by hot springs, while the dry part is a white salt bed where lake water evaporates over the years. The salt is extracted from this section in slabs. – Djibouti Places

2. Djibouti City

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


The capital of the country, Djibouti City, is located in the horn of Africa. It is renowned for its 19th-century architecture and its port at the mouth of the Red Sea. Place Menelik, in the European Quarter, features whitewashed nineteenth-century French colonial buildings and picturesque Moorish arches lined with cafes and boutiques.

The central market sells fruits, vegetables, and spices in the African Quarter. Nearby is the early-twentieth-century Hamoudi Mosque. – Djibouti Places

3. Tadjoura

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Tajjouboura is a town in the north of the country. It is one of the most picturesque cities in the Horn of Africa and is renowned for its white-painted houses and numerous mosques. The nearby Les Sables Blanches Beach is a tranquil oasis.

Just west of Tajbouboura lies Day Forest National Park, which is home to the rare juniper forest and a variety of birds, including the endangered Djiboutian francolin. The city is connected to the capital by ferries across the Touboura Gulf. The capital is known for its colonial Presidential Palace. – Djibouti Places

4. Obock

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Obock is a port town in the north of Djibouti, situated on the northern bank of the Tadjoura River, which leads to the Gulf of Aden on the other side of the country. Obock has an airport and ferries to and from Djibouti city. The name Obok is derived from the Arabic word “Oboh,” which is a distortion of the word Oboki, which is the name of a nearby wadi. – Djibouti Places

5. Ali Sabieh

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Djibouti’s second-largest city, Ali Sabiah lies about 98 kilometers southwest of the capital, Djibouti, and 10 kilometers north of the Ethiopian border. Ali Sabiah is located on a broad basin rimmed by granitic hills on every side. The mild climate of Ali Sabiah makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. – Djibouti Places

6. Moucha Island

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Moucha Island is a small, uninhabited coral island situated in the central part of Gouboura Bay, close to the coast of the country. Moucha is a part of the Region of the same name.The island has a population of approximately 20 people, which increases significantly during the summer months. – Djibouti Places

7. Mosquée Al-Hamoudi

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Located in the heart of one of the city’s busiest squares, the mosque was built in 1906 by the well-known Yemeni merchant, Hamoud Ali Ahmed. Hamoudi Ahmed was born in what is now Yemen, but he moved to France when he was a young man. He quickly made a name for himself as a merchant, though it is unclear exactly where his wealth came from. – Djibouti Places

8. Day Forest National Park

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Day Forest National Park is a national park located in Djibouti’s Goda Mountains and Tadjourah Region. This area is one of the few forested areas in the country, which, taken as a whole, is one of the driest countries on the planet. – Djibouti Places

9. Parking Place Menelik

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


The Palace Menelik is located at the foot of Menelik Square, which I believe is named after King Menelik himself. One evening we went there late in the afternoon. It was a ghost town-like area, with only a few shops and a shabby restaurant open. – Djibouti Places

10. DECAN Refuge

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Decan Wildlife Refuge is a small, well-maintained, and well-planned nature reserve. It is located 10 km south of the capital, Jibouti, in the town of Douda. It is a 2- to 3-hour drive from the capital city. Decan is not a zoo. Instead, it is a small, self-contained nature reserve with an ecosystem of its own.

You will see eight beautiful cheetahs and four lions. You will also see ostriches and turtles. You will see Somali donkeys and Caracas. You will see squirrels and antelopes. You will see kudus and zebras as well as porcupines. – Djibouti Places

11. Dolphin Excursions Djibouti

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Experience the wonders of the African wilderness with Dolphin Excursions. Established in 1999, we are a leading tour agency and PADI-approved center, offering a variety of adventure trips, from whale shark encounters to snorkeling,

scuba dives, and liveaboard and custom-made land tours. We are also proud to offer tours of the Lac Abbe/Assal area, Seven Brothers, and more. Allow us to help you get started on your journey to the African wilderness. – Djibouti Places

12. Arta Beach

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Located in the coastal town of Arta, Arta Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Djibouti. It is situated along the shoreline of the Tadjoura Bay. The beach stretches for a long distance, giving you plenty of space to relax and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the beach.

The beach at Arta Beach is golden in color, and you can feel the warmth of the sun as you dip your feet into the soft sand. – Djibouti Places

13. Port De Djibouti

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Djibouti Port is the main port in the country’s capital Djibouti and is situated at the intersection of one of the world’s busiest shipping routes connecting Europe, the Far East, the Horn of Africa, and the Persian Gulf. The port serves as an essential refueling and transshipment hub and is the main maritime gateway for imports from neighboring Ethiopia. About 2,500 ships call at the port daily. – Djibouti Places

14. Maskali Island

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


The island of Maskali is located about 20 minutes east of the country’s capital. It is a popular tourist destination due to the abundance of marine life in the surrounding waters. Maskali is home to some of the most colorful coral reefs in the world, making it a popular destination for snorkeling and scuba diving.– Djibouti Places

15. Ghoubbet-el-Kharab

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Lake Ghoubbet, also known as the Ghoubbet or Ghoubbet Bay, is a small bay in Djibouti that is separated from the Persian Gulf by a narrow strait that has been known for its strong currents in the past. The bay is surrounded by 600 meters of mountains and cliffs and is also separated from it by a volcanic mountain, Ardoukoukba, which lies on the other side of Lake Assal. – Djibouti Places

16. The People’s Palace

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


The People’s Palace is a national monument that stands in the heart of the capital city of Jeddah, symbolizing the people’s struggle for freedom. It’s a patriotic monument that seeks to honor one of the nation’s most significant national symbols. This monument is composed of representative elements associated with the ideas of the country’s liberation heroes, while also incorporating the nomad’s shield. – Djibouti Places

17. Grand Bara

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Grand Bara is a desert located in the south of the country. It is made up of large sand flats with sparse semi-desert grasses or scrub vegetation. It is connected to the south by a road constructed in 1981. – Djibouti Places

18. Ardoukoba

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Djibouti is home to one of the world’s most active fissure vents volcanoes, Ardoukôba. Ardoukôba is located on the coast of Djibouti, about 100 kilometers from the capital. The volcano’s summit is located at an altitude of 298 meters. The last time Ardoukôba erupted was in November 1978, following an earthquake. The area has been dormant for over 3,000 years. – Djibouti Places

19. Ras Bir

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


The Ra’s Bir Lighthouse is an active beacon located at the southern tip of the Red Sea-Gulf of Aden strait. It is the second beacon to be built on the remote headland of Ra’s Bir located on the northern tip of the Gulf. – Djibouti Places

20. Khor Ambado Beach

Djibouti Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Djibouti


Grainy golden sand covers the beach, the descent is steep, the water is clear, warm, calm and there are no waves. There is a restaurant where you can eat delicious food. There are umbrellas and a sunbed where you can get some shade from the sun.

Khor Ambado isn’t very busy. It is a popular destination for tourists from Western Europe seeking peace and serenity. The beach can be used for swimming, fishing, yachting, and picnicking. – Djibouti Places

Djibouti Places