Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq. The Republic of Iraq, officially known as the Republic of Iraq, is a federal parliamentary Republic that is part of the geopolitical region of the Middle East. It is one of the largest countries in the world, with a population of more than 45 million people.

It is the 14th most populous nation on the Asian continent. It is the 33rd most populous nation in the world. It is bordered on the north by Turkey, on the east by Iran, on the southeast by the Persian Gulf, on the south by Saudi Arabia, on the southwest by Jordan, and on the west by Syria. The main city is Baghdad, the capital and largest city in the country.

105 Best Places to Visit in Iran

1. Baghdad

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Baghdad is the capital and largest city of the Arab world. It is situated on the banks of the Tigris River. Baghdad was founded in 762 AD and became the capital of what would become known as the “Abbasid Caliphate”. It was the first major development project of the Caliphate. – Iraq Places

2. Abu Hanifa Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Grand Imam Mosque also known as the Abu Hanifa Mosque, is one of the largest and most important mosques of the Sunnis in the city of Baghdad, Iraq. Abu Hanifa an-Nu’an is the founder of the school of Islamic jurisprudence known as the Hanafi madhhab. – Iraq Places

3. Al-Rahman Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Baghdad’s Al-Rahman Mosque was to have been one of the biggest mosques in the country. The construction of the mosque began in 1998 under the leadership of Saddam Hussein. Work on the mosque was interrupted during the invasion of 2003 and it was never finished. Today, only the skeleton of the mosque remains. – Iraq Places

4. Al-Kazimiyya Mosque 

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Masjid Al-Kasimiyya is an Alawite Islamic shrine and mosque in the Kadhimayn suburb, in the city of Bagdad, in the pre-Islamic city of Tikrit, in modern-day Iraq. The Masjid is the burial place of the 7th and 9th Shī’i Imāms of the Prophet Muhammad and the grandson of Muhammad.

The Masjid is also the burial place of Shaykh Muhammed and the ancestor of Shaykh Na’d, Na’d al-Din Aṭ-Sa’d. Two smaller shrines are adjacent to the Masjid. They are the shrines of the brothers Muhammad al-Kadhimiyya who compiled the Najmiyya Sayyid Muhammed. – Iraq Places

5. Mustansiriyah Madrasah

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Al-mustansiriya madrasa is a medieval-era madrasah complex that offered a universal higher education system. It was founded in 1227 CE by the Abbasid caliph al-mustangs in the city of Baghdad, in what is now modern-day Iraq. The madrasa taught a wide range of subjects, such as medicine, mathematics, literature, grammar, and philosophy, as well as Islamic religious studies.

However, the main emphasis of education was on Islamic law. It was the most important and highest-ranking center of Islamic studies in the entire city of Baghdad. During the Abbasid period, madrasas were used as the main tool to spread Sunni thought and also as a way to spread the founder’s religious ideas. – Iraq Places

6. Dijlah Village

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Located on the shores of the Tigris River, Dijlah village offers a contemporary residential complex, international restaurants, a cinema, and a gym with state-of-the-art equipment and sports equipment, as well as the first and biggest dancing fountain in the country.

At Dijlah Village, we strive to bring joy and happiness to our clients through a world-class real estate service, backed by a team of experienced professionals from all over the country and abroad. We are dedicated to creating happy communities all over the country. – Iraq Places

7. Al-Sha’ab International Stadium

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Basra International Stadium, also known as Al-Sha’ab International Stadium, is a multi-purpose football stadium in Basra, in the city of Baghdad, in the country of Iraq. The stadium opened on November 6, 1966, and has a capacity of 35,700 seats.

It served as the home stadium for the national football team of the country and was the country’s largest stadium until the stadium opened in 2013. – Iraq Places

8. Liberation Square, Baghdad

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Liberation Square, also known as “Tahrir Square” or “Liberty Square”, is the largest and most important square in the center of Baghdad. It was formerly known as “Queen Alia Square” and “Al-Tawrir Square.”The square is located in the eastern part of the capital city of Baghdad, on the banks of the river Tigris. It is situated at the intersection between al-Sa’oun Street, which runs parallel to the main road leading to the city center, and the road leading to the eastern bank of the river.

The square has been a focal point for protests and demonstrations throughout the years. The most recent example of this was the October 2019 protests in which hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to demonstrate against the government of Iraq and its failures, with many people volunteering to help the protesters. – Iraq Places

9. Abbasid Palace

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Abbasid Palace is an ancient complex and one of the most important historical palaces in Iraq. The palace is situated on the banks of the Tigris River, on the side of al-Rusafa, north of al-Mutabi Street, and part of the al-Muhammedan area. – Iraq Places

10. Umm Al-Qura Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Umm al Qura Mosque is one of the largest mosques in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. It is the main center of worship for Sunnis in the city, but it is also the home of a Shi’a Hawza and a refuge for many who have fled from the terror attacks in Anbar province. – Iraq Places

11. Iraqi National Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The National Museum of Iraq is the official national museum of the Republic of Iraq. It is based in Baghdad and is sometimes referred to as the “National Museum of Iraq”, a recent trend influenced by the naming of national museums in other countries. The name “The Iraq Museum” is derived from the British Museum. – Iraq Places

12. Martyr Monument

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Al-Shaheed Martyr’s Memorial, also known as the “Martyr’s Monument” or the “Shaheed Monument,” is a monument dedicated to the memory of all the Iraqi soldiers who lost their lives during the Iran-Iraq War. It was designed by Ismail Fatah Al-Turk, an Iraqi sculptor, and is located in the capital city of Baghdad. – Iraq Places

13. Baghdadi Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Baghdad Museum is a local historical museum and tourist attraction in and around the city of Baghdad, Iraq. Founded in 1940, the museum is located on the banks of the river Tigris in al-Rusafa neighborhood in a historic building that dates back to 1869. – Iraq Places

14. Mansour Mall

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The mall is very busy and there are not many good shops inside the mall. There is no outdoor terrace with restaurants and coffee shops. Despite being the biggest mall in Bagdad, I would rather go to Babylon Mall, which is close by and much better. – Iraq Places

15. Buratha Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Buratha is one of the most sacred places in the vicinity of Baghdad. Before Islam, there was an old church in Buratha. When Imam Ali retired from the battle against the Kharijites, he stopped at Buratha and prayed Salat ul Jama’ah with his tens of thousands of men. He orders a monk to build the Masjid at Buratha.

It was built on the 37th of Hijri, which is over 109 years after the establishment of Bagdad by the Abbasid. According to some stories, a Prophet was buried at Buratha. There are also stories of Lady Maryam delivering her son Jesus to the stone inside Buratha. – Iraq Places

16. Babylon Mall

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The mall is one of the most beautiful shopping malls in all of Baghdad, even in Iraq. It is clean, friendly, and well-maintained. It has nice cafes, lots of shops, and great entertainment for kids, especially for little ones.

The outdoor plaza is a great place to relax after dropping off the kids with nannies at the entertainment center. There is a spa for women that my wife is a big fan of. There are also costume characters and dinosaurs. – Iraq Places

17. Kirkuk

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Kirkuk is a city located in the northern part of the country of Iraq. It is the capital city of the Governorate of Kirkuk. It is located about 238 km north of Baghdad. The city is made up of different ethnicities, such as Kurds, Turkmen, and Arabs. The city is built on the remains of the old Kirkuk Citadel, which was built on the Khasa River. In 2010, the city was declared “the capital of Iraqi culture”.

Kurdish leader and ex-President Jalal al-Talabani referred to it as the “Jerusalem of Kurdistan”.Fatih Salah, a Turkmen activist, described it as the “cultural and historical capital” of the Iraqi Turkmen. The government of Iraq describes Kirkuk as a “miniature version of Iraq” because of its diverse population. – Iraq Places

18. Samarra

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Samarra is a city in the Saladin governorate of Iraq. It is located on the eastern bank of the river Tigris, 125 km north of Baghdad. In 2003, the population of the city was estimated to be 348,700.

The city was first established in 836 as the administrative capital of the Abbasid caliphs. It was founded as a military base and military base by the caliphs. – Iraq Places

19. Malwiya Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Great Mosque of Samurais is a 9th-century CE mosque in Samurais, Iraq. Built in 848 and finished in 851, it was the largest mosque in the world at the time of its construction. It was commissioned by the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawaakkil, who ruled from 847 to 861. – Iraq Places

20. Haram of Imam Ali al-Hadi

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Located in the city of Samarra, 125 km from Baghdad, Al-Askari Shrine also known as the ‘Askariyya Shrine or Al-Askari mosque, is a large Shia Muslim mosque and a mausoleum. Built in 944, it is one of the world’s most important shrines. – Iraq Places

21. Qasr al-Khalifa

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The main caliphal palace at Samarra, also known as Dar al Khilafa served as the Caliph’s main residence for nearly half a century in the middle of the 9th century/3rd century AD. Construction on the site began around 836/221 AD.

Dar al Khilafa is not only important as an imperial palace but also as one of the most extensive and well-excavated palaces of the Abbasid era, although only a small portion of the site remains uncovered. – Iraq Places

22. Qasr al-Ashiq

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Qasr al-Ashiq is an ancient palace that was built during the Abbasid period. It is located 16 km west of the present-day town of Samarra on the west bank of the river Tigris. It was commissioned by the 15th al-Mu’tamateid caliph in the years 877–886.

There are various stories about who was responsible for the construction of this palace. According to al-Jazeera, al-Jazeera’s source is al-Mu’munajam, while al-Muqtada al-Din al-Khwarizm and al-Jawla claim to have initiated the groundbreaking of the palace.

Emir ‘Amad al’Dawla composed a poem about the palace in the 13th century. In the 14th century, it was known as “al-Ma’shuq” which means “beloved” in Arabic. The palace was dug up in the 1960s and was restored in the 1980s. – Iraq Places

23. Abu Dulaf Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Abu Dulaf Mosque, also known as the Al-Muhammed Mosque, is one of the most important mosques in the history of Islam in Pakistan. It was built in 859 AD by Al-Muhammad I, the 10th Caliph of the Saladinate. It is located approximately 15 km north of the city of Samarra, Saladin Governorate, in the state of Saladin, Iraq.

The mosque is rectangular and consists of a sash surrounded by corridors. The qibla corridor is located on the north side. It is one of the world’s largest mosques in terms of area.

The most iconic feature of the mosque is the spiral minaret, which bears a strong resemblance to the famous Malwiya of Samarra. It is said to have been inspired by a similar structure in the city of Firuzabad. However, some believe that the spiral design of the Abu Dulaf Mosque has its origin in the architecture of Mesopotamia’s ziggurat. – Iraq Places

24. Duhok

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The name Duhok is derived from the two lumps that were taken from the baskets of passing caravans that often carried wheat and barley. Duhok is the capital of the Duhok governorate, which was formerly known as Dohuk.

The name Dohuk is derived from the Yezidi word ‘Dohuk’ meaning ‘dohuk’, meaning ‘town of Yezidis’. However, following a massacre of Yezidis in the area, the city was abandoned and Muslims, Christians, and Jews settled in the area. Beth Nohadra, also known as ‘Beth-e-Nohadra’, is another name for Duhok. – Iraq Places

25. Family Mall Duhok

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Duhok’s Family Mall is one of the largest shopping malls in Duhok, with 114 different stores and well-known brands, all spread out over 102,000 sq meters. The mall’s all-in-one experience includes a hypermarket, a Carrefour, a variety of cafes and eateries, an entertainment center with video games, 8 modern movie theaters, and a bowling alley, as well as a Family Fun amusement park.

Family Mall is designed for convenience, with multiple entrances for easy access between the mall, Family Fun, and Carrefour. You can also enjoy the ambiance of outdoor cafes, with panoramic views on either side of the mall. – Iraq Places

26. Erbil

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Erbil is the capital and largest city of the Kurdistan Region of the country. Erbil is located in the Governorate of Erbil. Human habitation in Erbil can be traced back as far as the 5th century BC. The city is home to the historic Citadel of Erbil as well as the Mudhafaria minaret. – Iraq Places

27. Happy Park Duhok

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Duhok Happy Park is Duhok’s first Teleferic & Park since its opening in 2021. Happy Park Duhok offers the best and highest quality Cable Car for an unforgettable experience, you can visit the park for an unforgettable experience. – Iraq Places

28. Barzani Park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


It is one of the most beautiful and well-maintained gardens, with a very large area, and is decorated with a statue of Mullah Mustapha al-Barzani, the leader and spiritual father of Kurds. It is situated on the other side of Duhok Health Directorate General. – Iraq Places

29. Zawa Park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The top of the mountain can be reached by car or taxi, and it is a picturesque spot, with a few restaurants in summer, but it is best to bring your luggage if you will be going there, as you will enjoy the view of the city of Duhok and the surrounding mountains. – Iraq Places

30. Halamata cave

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Halamata cave is an archaeological site located southeast of Duhok, Geverke, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Halamata Cave contains the Maltai relief carvings, which are known as the Assyrian reliefs. Halamata cave is seven kilometers southwest of Dohuk. – Iraq Places

31. Pira Delal

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Delal Bridge, also known as the Zakho Bridge, Zakho Dam, Pira Dam, Pirdí Dam, Pira berî Dam, or simply Delal, is a historic stone bridge spanning the river Khabur in Zakho, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. The bridge measures 115 m in length and 16 m in width. – Iraq Places

32. Zerî Park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


This is a good place to stay for a few days or to go for a walk around the city. There are restaurants inside and various types of indoor and outdoor games as well as electronic games. There is free parking and free entry for families. You can travel by hired taxi even the taxi drivers know this place. – Iraq Places

33. Gulan Park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Hyatt Regency occupies the entire 50,000 square meters of the Gulan Park Building in Erbil, making it one of the most prominent hotels in the city. – Iraq Places

34. Sumel

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Simele, also known as Semel, is a town in Dohuk province, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. It is located on the main road connecting the Kurdistan Region with its neighbor Turkey. Simele is 14 km west from Dohuk. In July 2018, Simele had a population of approximately 71,557 inhabitants. – Iraq Places

35. Shanadar Park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Located in the center of Erbil, Shandar Park is one of Erbil’s most important recreation and tourist spots. It’s a community park with grassy lawns, a big lake, cable cars, green spaces for kids, walking and biking trails, restaurants, and cafes serving the best local dishes. Families come to Shandar Park with their kids to spend the best time in the middle of nature. – Iraq Places

36. Mosul

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Mosul is a city in Nineveh governorate in northern Iraq. It is the second largest city in the country, after the capital, Baghdad, in terms of both population and area. The city has a population of more than 3.7 million people. The city of Mosul is located 400km north of Baghdad, on the river Tigris. – Iraq Places

37. Badush Dam

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Badush Dam is an incomplete multi-purpose dam located on the river Tigris, close to the town of Badush, 16 km northwest of the city of Mosul, in northern Iraq’s Ninawa Governorate. The main purpose of the dam, if completed, would be to protect against the eventual collapse of the nearby unstable Mosul Dam. – Iraq Places

38. Bashtabya Castle

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Bash Tapia Castle, also known as Rashtriya Castle or Pashtabia Castle, is a destroyed 12th-century castle situated on the west bank of the Tigris River, part of the Mosul city wall, in Mosul, Iraq. The castle was partially destroyed by IS in April 2015. – Iraq Places

39. Nergal Gate

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


From the ruins, it can be determined that the circumference of the big Assyrian city wall is about 7.5 mi and in some places up to 148 ft wide; there is also a large unfinished outer rampart surrounded by a moat; and the Khawrṣar River flows through the center of the city to meet the Tigris on its western side. The fifteen great gates that ran along the Acropolis walls were built partly in mud brick and partly in stone. The eastern sector, which is about 3 mi long, has six gates.

The southern sector, which is 2,624 ft long, has only one gate, the Ashur gate. The western sector is about 2.5 mi long and has five gates. The northern sector is about 1.2 mi long and has three gates, the Adad gate, the Nergal gate, and the Sin gate. It is known that some of these entrances are facing stone colossi. The Nergal gate has a site museum, which was built next to it by the. – Iraq Places

40. Al Hadba Minaret

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Minaret of Al-Hadba was constructed in 1172 by al-Nur al-Din, a Seljuk ruler, as part of a religious complex that included the Mosque. It stood at 45m tall and was adorned with elaborate brickwork. Its current name “al-Hadba,” which translates to “the humpback,” was given to it only in the 14th century when it began to lose its structural integrity.

No matter how many renovations were carried out to the other parts of the complex, including the Mosque, the Minaret remained intact, preserving the original features of the medieval complex. Today, Al-Hadba remains a symbol of the historic city, similar to its cultural value and its name. – Iraq Places

41. Kouyunjik Mound

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The city of Nineveh is located in the northern part of the city of Mosul, on the east bank of the river Tigris. It was the capital city and the world’s largest city for many decades. Nineveh is now a popular name for the eastern half of Mosul, and the governorate of Nineveh is named after the city.

The name Nineveh is derived from the Arabic word NIN. It is also derived from the Akkadian language, which is derived from the Greek word NIN. The city was first mentioned in the Bible as NU.N.A, which means “Nineveh, the city of Nineveh.”

Nineveh was one of the ancient Assyrian cities of the Upper Mesopotamian Empire, and it was the largest city and capital of the empire for many years. It was also referred to in Arabic as “Naynawā”, which means “the house of Nineveh”.In early modern times, the city was also known as Kuyunjik.Kuyunjik was also known as “Kouy. – Iraq Places

42. Library of Ashurbanipal

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Ashurbanipal Royal Library, named after the last great ruler of the ancient Assyrian Empire, Ashurbanipal, is an extensive collection of over 30,000 clay tablets and fragmentary texts from the seventh century BCE. It contains a variety of texts in various languages, including the renowned epic of Gilgamesh. – Iraq Places

43. Dair Mar Elia

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Dairy Mar Elia is a late 6th- and early 7th-century Christian monastery located south of the city of Mosul, Nineveh governorate, in what is now Iraq. – Iraq Places

44. Rabban Hermizd Monastery of The Chaldean Hurmizid congregation

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Rabban Hormizd monastery is one of the important monasteries of the Assyrian Church of the East and of the Chaldean catholic church. The monastery was founded around 640 AD by the church of the East. The monastery is located in the mountains, about 2 miles from the town of Alqosh, and about 28 miles north of the city of Mosul, Iraq. – Iraq Places

45. Mohammed Al-Ameen

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Mohammed Al Amin Mosque, also known as “The Bahwan Mosque” after its benefactors, opened its doors in 2014. Located off the southern expressway, the mosque is 62.5 meters above sea level. Construction began in 2008 and was finished in 2014. It was built by a team of designers, materials suppliers, engineers, artists, and suppliers from various countries. The mosque covers 20,300 square meters, with the main Prayer Hall measuring 1616 square meters and seating 2,100.

The main prayer hall is 11 meters in height, while the lady’s prayer hall is 4 meters in height. The chandeliers in the main prayer hall feature 24-karat gold plating, while the Chandeliers in the Lady’s prayer hall are 4.5 meters high. The interior spaces are adorned with hand-carved works of art in stone, including Islamic patterns, calligraphy, and rich carved woods with white marble accents. – Iraq Places

46. Mosul Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The museum is the second-largest museum in the country, after the National Museum of Iraq in Bagdad. The museum was extensively damaged by looting during the 2003 war. The museum was established in 1952 in a small hall before a new building was built in 1972, housing the museum’s collection of ancient Assyrian artifacts. – Iraq Places

47. Mar Mattai

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


St. Matthew’s Monastery, also known as Dayro Mor Mattai, is an ancient Syriac Orthodox church monastery located on the hillside of Mount Alfaf, 20 km northeast of Mosul, in northern Iraq. It is considered one of the most ancient Christian Monasteries in the world.

It was home to many monks and scholars at the time, as well as a large library and extensive collection of Syriak Christian manuscripts. Today, the monastery is an Archdiocese of Mosul, with the archbishop of Mosul being Mor Timuthius Mousa Alshamany. – Iraq Places

48. Old Bridge

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Mostar Bridge, also known as Stara Most is a reconstructed 16th-century Ottoman bridge in Mostar, BiH, connecting the two sides of the city. It was named after the monster who used to guard the bridge during Ottoman times. The bridge collapsed on 9 November 1993 due to shelling from the HVO.

The bridge was considered a military target because it was used as a supply line by the Army of Republika Srpska during the Croatian–Bombnia War. The reconstruction of the bridge began on July 23, 2004, and in 2017 the appeal court ruled that the destruction of the bridge was legal. – Iraq Places

49. Al Noree Al Kaber Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The al-Nuri Mosque was one of the most famous mosques in the ancient city of Mosul. It was also known as the “Hunchback Mosque” because of its leaning minaret. The al-Nuri mosque was first built at the end of the 12th century, but it underwent many renovations during the following centuries.

Over 850 years, the mosque was repeatedly attacked by various hostile invading forces. In 2017, the mosque and its distinctive minaret were destroyed during the Battle of Mosul. – Iraq Places

50. Mosul Grand Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Mosul Grand Mosque, also known as the Grand Mosque in Arabic, is an unfinished Sunni Islamic mosque in the city of Mosul, Iraq. It is located in the Taqafah neighborhood, close to the Nineveh archaeological site, on the banks of the Tigris River. Construction of the mosque began during the regime of Saddam Hussein, but the works were suspended due to political instability, and it remains unfinished to this day.

The first architect of the Great Mosque of Mosul was Arfajah Ibn Harthamah an Arab general during the Rashidun caliph era. The great mosque of Mosul was later expanded and reconstructed by Marwan Ibn Muhammad during the Umayyad caliph era. – Iraq Places

51. Basra

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Basraal known as Qasr al-Arab, is a city located in the south of the country. It is one of the largest cities in the country, with a population of 1,4 million in 201. – Iraq Places

52. Basra Cultural Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Basrah Museum is a museum located in Basra, the capital of Iraq. The museum is housed in the former Saddam Hussein’s Palace. The museum’s collections cover the history of Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Persia, and the city itself. The museum was inaugurated in March 2019. – Iraq Places

53. Italian Bridge

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Strait of Messina Bridge is a suspension bridge planned to connect the island of Sicily and mainland Italy. It will span the straits of Messina between Torre Faro, Sicily, and Villa San Giovanni, mainland Italy. This bridge has been planned since ancient times. The first detailed plan for a suspension bridge was drawn up in the 1990s. However, the project was abandoned in 2006 under the government of Romano Prodi.

On 6 March 2009, the Berlusconi government announced that the construction of the bridge would go ahead. The government pledged a sum of €1,3 billion to contribute to the total cost of the bridge, which is estimated at €6,1 billion.

On 26 February 2013, the project was again canceled by the government of Mario Monti due to budget constraints. Ten years later, in March 2023, the project was re-launched with a decree issued by Giorgio Meloni’s government. The decree was approved by the presidential approval of 31 March 2023. – Iraq Places

54. Basra Family Park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The park is located on a plot of 17.000 m2 and is equipped with modern amusement rides. Using the waterway next to the park, you can enjoy water sports activities such as jet skiing, speed boat tours, etc.

The area before the reclamation site was a landfill site which, in the past, was used by many rebels. – Iraq Places

55. Shatt al-Arab Corniche

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Shatt Al-Arab, also known as the “Swift River”, is a river that originates from a channel to the west of the Tigris River, where it joins the Tigris River. The river reaches its mouth at the Iran-Iraq border. The river is about 200 kilometers long at its widest point at Basra, and 800 meters long at the mouth of the Gulf of Oman. The river is named after the Arabic word for “river,” “Arab”, which translates to “river of the Arabs.”

The river originates in what is believed to be ancient geological time when the Tigris River and the Euphrates River combined to form the Shatt. The river flows from Basra to the Gulf of Oman, passing through the island of Bubiyan in Kuwait. – Iraq Places

56. Jasim River

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The river is the longest in Western Asia and is one of the most important rivers in Mesopotamia. The river originates in Turkey and flows through Syria and parts of Iraq before merging with the river Tigris in the Shatt al-Arab and emptying into the Persian Gulf.

The river is the fifteenth longest river in Asia and one of the longest rivers in Western Asia. The river’s drainage area covers an area of about 1,730 square miles and covers an area of 170,000 square miles across six countries. – Iraq Places

57. Happy Land amusement park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Happy Land has always been one of our childhood favorites. I still remember the first day it opened up and I was there with my whole gang of cousins to enjoy this fun-filled land. At first, it was a majestic place that was clean and service-oriented. We used to visit it every year just for fun.

But as time went by, we grew up and forgot about it. After 4 years, we visited it again. This time it was a haven of doom. A funland has become a barrenland. – Iraq Places

58. Sinbad Island

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Sinbad is a seafaring hero and the protagonist of a series of short stories. He is said to have originated from the city of Baghdad in the early days of the Abbasid caliphate. During his seven voyages across the seas, Sinbad has magical adventures in magical worlds and encounters monsters and supernatural occurrences. – Iraq Places

59. Karbala

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The city of Karbala is located in central Iraq, approximately 100 km southwest of the city of Baghdad and a few miles northeast of Lake Milh.The city is the capital of the Karbala governorate. The population of Karbala is estimated to be 711,530 inhabitants. – Iraq Places

60. Holy Shrine Of Imam Hossain

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The 3rd Imam of Islam, Husayn bin Ali, is also known as the “Imam Husayn Shrine”It is a mosque and the burial place of Husayn. It is located in Karbala on the site where Husayn’s grandfather Muhammad was martyred. Husayn’s tomb is considered one of the three holiest places in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. Millions of people travel to the shrine every year to observe the Ashura, the day Husayn died for all Muslims. – Iraq Places

61. Holy Shrine Of Abu Fadhl Al-Abbas

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Al-Abbas Shrine, also known as the Al-Abbas Mausoleum, is a mausoleum and a mosque dedicated to the memory of Abbas ibn Ali. It is situated near Karbala’s Imam Husayn Mosque.
Abbas was Ali’s son and Husayn’s half-brother. He was also Husayn’s flag bearer in the battle of Karbala. He was also the chief of his caravans. – Iraq Places

62. Islam Memory Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The “Memory of Islam” is the world’s largest Islamic museum, dedicated to the life of the Prophet Muhammad, from the time he made the prophecies of the Arch-prophets to the time he was martyred. The supervisor leads the visitors on a guided tour of the architecture displayed in the museum, exploring the different phases of the Prophet’s life in great detail. This magnificent facility is situated in the holy city of Qayyum in Iraq. – Iraq Places

63. Al-Mukhayam Shrine

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Tenting Ground in Karbala is a building built by the Shi’a community in the area where the tents of al-Husayni and companions were located during the battle of ‘Ashura in the 10th to 16th centuries. The tent burning is a mourning ritual performed during the month of Muharram in some cities in Iraq and Iran. – Iraq Places

64. Al-Ukhaidir Fortress

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Ukhaidir, also known as the Abbasid Palace of Ukhaider, is a large rectangular fortress built in 775 AD by As-Safa’s nephew, Isa ibn Musa. The complex includes a primary hall, large Iwan, reception hall, and servant quarters and is located approximately 50 km south of the city of Karbala in what is now Karbala Province, Iraq.

Ukhaidir represents the architectural innovation of the Abbasid dynasty in its courtyards and residences, as well as its unique defensive style. It is a prime example of Abbasid architecture in present-day Iraq, due to its grand size but small living quarters.

Gertrude Bell conducted the first major report of excavations at Ukhaidir at the beginning of the 20th century. Ukhaidir was a major transit point on regional trade routes such as Atshan, and Mujdah. – Iraq Places

65. Al Aqiser

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Al-aquifer is an archaeological site located in the town of Ayn Al-Tamr, near the city of Karbala, in the Diyala province of Iraq. The site was used until recently by the Chaldeans, who belonged to the Chaldean Catholic Church. Today, the site suffers from neglect and erosion. – Iraq Places

66. Husainiyat Beni Aamir

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Husseiniyat of Amer’s sons, whose religious leader is Mr Abdel-Al from the Basra people. Currently, they offer a service to the visitors through a suite system within the Husseiniyat. The price of the suite is 5000 thousand per person. This service is available to all those who want to go to Karbala to visit the Husseiniyat of Imam Hussein. Peace be upon him. – Iraq Places

67. Alkafeel Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Al-Kafeel’s new website was launched in early 2023. The new website replaces the entire tab and the entire format of the previous website. The new website uses the latest website designs in a modern and technological style.

This new website is a comprehensive reference to the Antiquities and the treasures found in the museum. It is one of the main means through which the Ministry of Antiquities and Manuscripts publishes and distributes the information available to the public at the local and international levels.

The new website can be considered an important source of information for researchers and those who are interested in this cutting-edge field. – Iraq Places

68. Khaimagah Imam Hussein

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


A 5-minute walk from Imam Hussain Shrine to Al Jumhuriya Street will take you to the Imam Husain Camp Shrine. The shrine building is known as Khaimah-gah. There are no graves on the site designed as a shrine, but it serves as a place of remembrance for the tents where the companions and family members of Imam Hussain (a.s.). – Iraq Places

69. The Baron Gardens

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


On his fourth trip to Israel in February 1914, Baron Edmond de Rothschild went on a tour of the south end of the Carmel hills and declared that he wanted to be ‘buried in the rock.’ In his will, he stipulated that he should be buried in what was then known as ‘Palestine.’

In 1936, his son, James de Rothschild, began the creation of the gardens as a natural monument to his parents, and in 1954, when the work was completed, the memorial site changed its name from Umm el-Aleq to Ramat Hanadiv. – Iraq Places

70. Museum of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Imam Hussein holy shrine museum received a large number of pilgrims from all cities of Iraq, as well as from Arab and Islamic countries, for the Fortieth Pilgrimage to the shrine of Imam Hussein (P.B.U.h.). The museum receives a large number of visitors daily, who are aware of the invaluable artifacts that date back to different historical periods.

The Director of the museum, Mr. Sa’eed Rashid Zmezim, said that a specialized team from the museum prepared a comprehensive plan to make it easier for visitors to enter and leave the museum, and extended the hours of the museum until late to accommodate as many visitors as possible. – Iraq Places

71. Iraqi National Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The National Museum of Iraq is the official national museum of the Republic of Iraq. It is based in Baghdad and is sometimes referred to as the “National Museum of Iraq”. The name of the museum has been influenced by the names of other nations’ national museums; however, the name of the “Iraq Museum” is derived from the British Museum. – Iraq Places

72. Sulaymaniyah

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Sulaymaniyah is a city located in the eastern part of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, close to the Iran-Iraq border. The city is bordered on the northeast by the Azmar mountain range, on the south by the Baranan mountain range, and the west by Tasluja hills. – Iraq Places

73. Darbandikhan Lake

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Sulaimaniya is located 60 km southeast of Darbandikhan lake. The lake’s shoreline and riverfront areas are surrounded by beautiful natural scenery. Many people from the southern part of the country travel to Darbandikhan to take in the beauty of the surroundings and get some fresh air. – Iraq Places

74. Dukan Lake

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Dukan Lake is a lake located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The lake is situated near the town of Ranya. The lake is a reservoir situated on Little Zab. The reservoir was created by constructing the dam of Dukan. The dam was constructed from 1954 to 1959 as a multipurpose dam to store water, irrigate and generate hydroelectric power. – Iraq Places

75. Hawary Shar Park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The park is situated in the Hawar Shar area, about 15-20 minutes away from the city. It is the biggest park in the area, covering 4400 acres of land. It offers a variety of recreational activities, such as visiting an artificial fountain lake, a cycling arena, a skateboarding club, and the Romanian Amphitheater.

The park map board lists many activities, but they do not exist, such as golfing. It is recommended for families to visit the park, and you can hire a club car to avoid long walks. – Iraq Places

76. Azadi Park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


This park is Duhok’s largest and is suitable for both friends and families. There are some fast food options and a cafeteria inside the park. Fruit juice and these are also available. The park is open till the end of summer. However, alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the park. – Iraq Places

77. Sarchnar park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Sarchnar Park is among the most picturesque parks in the area, especially in the fall when the trees are leafing and people come to take pictures, and in the spring when people come to have picnics and barbecues. – Iraq Places

78. Slemani Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Sulaymaniyah Museum, also known as Slemani Museum, is the second-largest museum in the country, after the National Museum of Iraq in Bagdad. The museum is situated in the ancient city of Sulaysmaniyah, in the autonomous region of Kurdistan in the north of the country. The museum houses a wide variety of archaeological artifacts from prehistoric times to the later Islamic and Ottoman eras. – Iraq Places

79. Kurd’s Heritage Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The museum is located in the heart of Mawlawi Street in the center of the town of Salaymaniyah, which is the capital of the Kurdistan Region of the country. Administratively, however, the museum belongs to the “Directorate of Antiquities” and the “Museum”. – Iraq Places

80. Chavi Land

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Chaviland offers a great place to relax and enjoy a picnic with your family or friends. We often visit Chaviland as part of our holiday plans. I love Thailand. Thank you to all the staff members for their hospitality. – Iraq Places

81. Amna Suraka, Red Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Amna Suraka, also known as ‘Red Security, Red Prison’, is a museum located in the city of Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which dates back to 1979. During Saddam Hussein’s reign in the country, this museum served as the northern headquarters for the intelligence agency known as ‘Just Amn’, the Directorate of General Security of the Iraqi Interior Ministry.

During this period, many people were imprisoned in Amna Suraka, including students, Kurdish nationalists, and other dissidents, many of whom were subjected to torture and rape. In the battle of Sulaymania in 1991, the Amn headquarters, which served as Baathist fortifications in the city, was held by security officials and soldiers for almost two days before the prison was taken by Peshmerga forces after a two-hour assault. After the capture of the prison, rebels summarily executed three hundred Amn agents, while angry civilians killed many more. – Iraq Places

82. Najaf

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


A city in central Iraq, Al-Najaf is the capital of the Governorate of Najaf. It is located about 160 km south of Baghdad and has an estimated population of 747,000 people in 2018. It is one of the holiest cities in the Shi’i Islamic world and one of the spiritual capitals of the country. It is also a major pilgrimage site for Shia Muslims.

The city is renowned for being the burial site of Muhammad’s son-in-law and cousin, Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Tālib. The city also houses one of the world’s largest cemeteries, Wadi-u-Salaam. It is also one of the centers of the political power of the Shi’i community in Iraq. – Iraq Places

83. Najaf Sea

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Najaf Sea is located west of Najaf in a large area with beautiful scenery, it is close to the Safi Safa shrine and along Al-Muheet Street on the south side of the old city of Najaf; the natural depression of the sea can be seen. Today, Najaf Sea is one of the most fertile agricultural areas in the city of Najaf for planting vegetables and field yields, palm trees are very abundant in this area.

There is nothing left of the sea except the name because the water of the sea dried in 1240 A.H., other historians say that the water was dried in the year 1305 A.H.and there are many crashed ships in its hall. The sea was a place where boats were lunch, transporting goods and people. – Iraq Places

84. Al Sheraa Complex for Entertainment

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Al Sheraa Complex for Entertainment is an Entertainment agency based in Al Iskan Street, #54001, IQ, in Najaf. We are listed under the Entertainment Agency category. We have 492+ reviews with an average of 4.2+ stars. We offer Onsite Services and Online Appointments. – Iraq Places

85. Al-Hannana Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Al-Hannaah mosque is a Shi’ite mosque in the city of Najaf, in the Arabian city of Qayyum, in what is now Qayyum Qaysiyah, in modern-day Qayyum Jebel Al-Iqbaliyah, in the Qayyum region of Qaysiyum Qayyum Province, Qayyum District, Qaysiya Qaysiya Province, Qaysi Qaysi Qayyum Provincial Area, Qaysiyya Qaysiyyah Qaysi Provincial Area and Qaysiyya Provincial Area.

The mosque is also known as Masjid al-Ra’s, which means “Mosque Of the Head”, because Husain’s head was held in the middle when he was brought before his rival, Abu’l-Abdullah al-Ziyad, who is also known as Ja’far Al-Sadiq, by one of his descendants, Ja’far al-Hassan. – Iraq Places

86. Darul ‘Imara

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The Great Mosque of Qufa, also known as Masjid Al-Kufa or al-Masjid al-Khufa, is one of the oldest mosques in the world and is located in Qufa, Iraq. It was built in the seventh century CE and was the residence of Ali bin Abi Talib and includes the shrines of Muslim Ibn Aqeel, his companion Hani Ibn Urwa, and the revolutionary Al-Muhammad. The mosque has been extensively reconstructed and restored several times throughout its history. – Iraq Places

87. Garden Revolution of the twentieth

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The roots of gardening are deeply intertwined with the roots of agriculture, and ornamental gardens were the province of the well-to-do until relatively recently, and smaller gardens tended to be kitchen gardens, as they still are today.

Some of the great traditions that have shaped gardening since antiquity include the Middle East, which gave rise to the Islamic garden; the Mediterranean, where the Roman garden was born, having a huge impact on later European gardening; the Chinese garden, and its evolution into the Japanese garden; and while the fundamentals of gardening techniques were relatively well-understood from the very beginning, the plants on a given site have changed a great deal, particularly in recent centuries. – Iraq Places

88. Imam Ali Holy Shrine

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


The sanctuary of imām ‘Alī is a Shia shrine in the city of Najaf, in what many Shia Muslims consider to be the burial place of ‘Ali ibn Abi Tālib. Tālib was Muhammad’scousin, second son, and companion. – Iraq Places

89. Al-Sahla Great Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Al-Sahlah Mosque in Qufa, Iraq is one of the main mosques in Qufa. The mosque is very important to the Shia Muslims. It is believed that the first mosque in Qufa was built for Ali’s followers, the first members of the Shia faith. – Iraq Places

90. Citadel of Erbil

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Qelat, or Tell or Occupied Mound, is a tell mound in Erbil, the historic city center of Kurdistan Region, Iraq. The Erbil Citadel has been listed as a World Heritage Site on 21 June 2014. – Iraq Places

91. Sami Abdulrahman Park

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Sami Abdulrahman Park is a park located in Erbil, Erbil Region, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. The park was built on the former site of Saddam Hussein’s 5th Corps Army Military Base. The construction of the park started in 1998 and was finished in the same year. The park was named in honor of Sammy Abdulrahman, who died in a suicide bomb attack on 1 February 2004 at the age of 71. – Iraq Places

92. Rashad Mufti Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Mufti Rashad Mosque Erbil is one of the most interesting mosques in Erbil because of its architectural style, which was designed to keep up with the style of Ottoman architecture as well as the style of modern development. The mosque attracts tourists who are interested in archaeological history and religious history. – Iraq Places

93. Jalil Khayat Mosque

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Jalil Khaya mosque is one of Erbil’s largest mosques. It was founded by Jalil Khayat, who passed away in 2005. His sons completed the mosque in 2007 in his memory. The mosque is a center of Sunni Islam in the Kurdistan Region. – Iraq Places

94. Mudhafaria Minaret

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Mudhafaria minaret is the name of a minaret that stands in the new minaret park on the west side of Erbil in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The minaret stands 36 meters high and is composed of an octagonal base with a cylindrical upper shaft and a balcony between it. The base is made of baked bricks and has two tiers with pointed arched niches on each of its eight faces, two of which are inscribed in a rectangular frame. There are twenty-four small niches carved on the balcony parapet.

The access door for the minaret stairs is on the east side of the base and leads to the top of the balcony, where a small door leads to steps inside a cylindrical lower shaft that used to lead to a second balcony, now collapsed. The minaret was built between 1190 and 1232 AD under the rule of Saladin. The Turcoman Prince of Erbil was married to his sister by Saladin in 1232 AD. – Iraq Places

95. Erbil Civilization Museum

Iraq Places: 95 Best Places to Visit in Iraq


Erbil Civilization Museum is an archaeological museum located in Hawler, Erbil Governorate, the capital of Erbil Region. The ECM is the second-largest museum in Erbil Governorate and the third-largest in the Erbil Region in terms of content and collections. – Iraq Places

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