Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania. Mauritania is a French-speaking country located in North West Africa. It is officially known as the “Islamic Republic of Mauritania”.Mauritania is bordered on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, on the north and northwest by Western Sahara, on the northeast by Algeria, on the east and southeast by Mali, and the southwest by Senegal.

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1. Nouakchott

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Mauritania’s capital and biggest city, Nouakchott, is located in the southwest of the country. Nouakchott ranks as one of the biggest cities of the Sahara. It is also Mauritania’s administrative and economic hub. – Mauritania Places

2. Chinguetti

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Cinguetti also known as Chinguetti ksar or simply Chinguetti, is a city and a ksar in northern Mauritania. It is situated on the Adrar plateau, east of Atar, and had a population of around 4,800 in 2013. Chinguetti dates back to the 13th century when it was the center of several Trans-Saharan trade routes.

It is still a small town today, but it is still a popular destination for tourists who appreciate the spare architecture, the scenery, and the old libraries. The city is threatened by the desert, with high dunes at its western border, and many houses have been abandoned due to the desert. – Mauritania Places

3. Richat Structure

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


The Richat Structure is a circular geological feature in Mauritania, found near Ouadane, Adrar Plateau, Adrar Region, Mauritania. It is also known locally as Tagense in Arabic. The term “Richat” comes from the Arabic word “rīšāt”, which means “pigeon”. It refers to the circular opening in the leather pouch that the inhabitants of the area use to draw water from the local wells.

The richest structure is an eroded volcanic dome, with layers of sedimentary rock that appear to be concentric rings. The dome measures 40 kilometers in diameter. Inside the dome is Igneous rock with spectacular rhyolites, gabbros, and hydrothermal alteration in the center megabreccia. – Mauritania Places

4. Nouadhibou

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


The second-largest city in Mauritania, Nouadhibou is a commercial hub, with a population of approximately 118,000. The city is located on the 65-kilometer peninsula or headland, also known by the various names of the peninsula of which La Güera is situated on the western side. – Mauritania Places

5. Ouadane

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Ouadane is a town in the central desert of central Mauritania. It is located on the southern rim of the Adrar plateau, 93 km northeast of Chinguetti. Ouadane was a transit point in the trans-Sahara trade and a staging point for caravans carrying salt slabs from the mines of Idjil. – Mauritania Places

6. Terjit

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Terjit is an oasis located 45km south of Atar. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Mauritania. Terjit is located in Maaden, part of the Aoujeuf Department. The oasis of Terjit is located in a gorge situated on the western rim of the Adrar Plateau. The palm grove spreads a few hundred meters beside a stream that originates from a spring. – Mauritania Places

7. Atar, Mauritania

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Atar is a city located in the northwestern part of the country. It is the provincial capital of the region of Adrar and the main city on the plateau of Adrar. Situated on the seguellil oued, Atar has an airport, museum, and historic mosque, built in the year 1674. The population of Atar was 25,190 inhabitants in 2013. – Mauritania Places

8. Walata

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Oualata, also known as Walata, is an oasis town located in southeast Mauritania. It is situated at the eastern extremity of Aoukar Basin. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Oualata was a caravan city. It was the southernmost point on the trans-Saharan trade routes. Today, Oualata is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. – Mauritania Places

9. Zouérat

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


The capital and largest city of northern Mauritania, Zouérat has a population of approximately 44,649 inhabitants and is located at the eastern terminus of the Mauritanian railway line running from Zouadhibou to Tiris-Zemmour. – Mauritania Places

10. Tichit

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Tichit is a partially uninhabited village located at the base of the Tagant plateau in the central south of Mauritania. The village is renowned for its traditional architecture. Date farming is the main agricultural activity in Tichit. The village also houses a small museum. – Mauritania Places

11. Choum

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Choum is a town located in north Mauritania, Adrar Region, close to the Western Sahara border. In 2000, the population of the town was 2.735. Choum developed from its position along the trans-Saharan trade routes.

However, as trade decreased, the town’s population decreased. In 1977, French troops attacked the town as a possible base of the Polisario front, a group of rebels fighting for the independence of Western Sahara. Some fortifications from that time remain in the vicinity of the town. – Mauritania Places

12. Parc National du Diawling

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Diawling National Park is located on the banks of the Senegal River delta in the southwest of Mauritania. Most of the park is surrounded by large lakes during the rainy season. The park is well-known for its more than 220 bird species, including the pelican, black stork, and flamingo, as well as its fish. – Mauritania Places

13. Banc d’Arguin National Park

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Banc d’Arguin National Park of Bay of Arguin is a World Heritage Site located in Western Africa. It is situated on the western coast of the country of Mauritania, between the cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhabou, and is the site of the old mouth of the river Tamanrassi. The park is a major breeding and migratory bird habitat for flamingos, pelicans, and terns. – Mauritania Places

14. Marche Capitale

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Nouakchott’s Marche Capitale is one of the most popular markets for shoppers in the city. It offers a wide variety of products and a pleasant shopping experience, making it one of the best places to visit.

Are you looking for the best of the best? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place! This market has something for everyone, with a great selection of local and international brands. It’s a great place to explore and discover something fun. – Mauritania Places

15. Arguin

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Arguin, also known as Banc d’Arguin, is a small island located off the west coast of the Mauritanian island of Mauritania, in what is commonly referred to as “Arguin Bay”. It has a surface area of approximately 6 km x 2 km and is surrounded by some of the most rugged and dangerous reefs in the world. – Mauritania Places

16. Ben Amera

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


The largest monolith in Africa, Ben Amera stands at a height of 633 meters above sea level. It is the second largest in the world, after Australia’s Uluru, and is located in the Mauritanian interior, close to the Western Sahara border. – Mauritania Places

17. Chinguetti Mosque

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


The Mosque at Chinguetti is one of the oldest mosques in Mauritania. Built-in the 13th or 14th century, it was one of the main places of worship for the people who founded the oasis town of the same name in Mauritania’s Adrar Region. – Mauritania Places

18. Galerie Zeinart

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Zeinart provides a platform for exploration, discovery, and exchange of ideas. We showcase the work of artisans and artists who consider Mauritania to be the country of their life, birthplace, passion, or inspiration.

During their exhibitions or stays, artists and creators collaborate with professionals and members of the general public. Our weekly artisanal market showcases local products, allowing producers and consumers to interact directly in the search for quality products. – Mauritania Places

19. Centre culturel francais St Exupery

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Mauritania is home to the French Institute, a network of cultural institutions under the control of the General Directorate for Globalization, Development, and Partnerships of France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The French Institute, formerly known as the “Antoine de Saint-Export French Cultural Center ” is part of the French Institute network. It is managed by the French Embassy in Mauritanie. – Mauritania Places

20. Mosquée marocaine

Mauritania Places: 20 Best Places to Visit in Mauritania


Hassan-II Mosque is a large religious and cultural complex situated in Casablanca, Morocco. It is partially built on the sea and covers an area of nine hectares. The complex includes a prayer hall, ablution room, bathhouses, a koran school library, museum 1, and Academy of Traditional Arts 2. – Mauritania Places

Mauritania Places