Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia. Micronesia is a nation made up of more than 600 islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It is made up of four island states: Micronesia, Palau, Kosrae, and Yap.

Micronesia is best known for its palm-covered beaches, wrecks, and ancient ruins, such as Nan Madol, a sunken basalt temple, and burial vaults, which extend from a lagoon on the island of Pohnpei.

70 Best Places to Visit in Mexico

1. Chuuk Lagoon

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Chuuk Lagoon is an atoll located in the central Pacific Ocean, about 1,800 km northeast of New Guinea. It is part of the Federated State of Micronesia and is part of the state of Chuuk.

The lagoon is protected by a protective reef that encircles a natural harbor that measures 79 by 50 km and covers an area of 2.130 km². The reef is 225 kilometers away. – Micronesia Places

2. Yap

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Yap is a Federated State of Micronesia island located in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Micronesia. Surrounded by coral reefs, Yap is home to many species of marine life, including manta rays and great white sharks.

The island is dotted with ancient stone money and thatched-roofed traditional village meeting houses, such as Kaday, Wanyan, and others. In the town of Colonia, the Micronesian Living History Museum showcases traditional dances and handicrafts, while the Tamilyog Trail runs through dense forest. – Micronesia Places

3. Chuuk State

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Chuuk State is one of four Micronesian states, the others being Kosrae State, the Pohnpei State, and Yap State. It is made up of several island groups: the Namoneas and Faichuuc Islands, the Hall Islands, the Namonuitu Atoll Islands, the Pattiw Islands, and the Mortlock Islands. – Micronesia Places

4. Palikir

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Palikir, FSM’s capital, is a city in the Western Pacific Ocean region. A town with a population of slightly less than 5,000 inhabitants, Palikir is part of a larger municipality, Sokehs. As of 2010, the population of Sokehs was 6,647, out of a total population of over 106,000 people living in Micronesia. – Micronesia Places

5. Weno

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Weno is an island municipality in Chuuk State, FSM. It is the largest city in the FSM and covers an area of about 20 square kilometers. At the 2010 census, the population of Weno was estimated to be 13,856. Weno is situated in the Chuuk Lagoon and is the state capital. It is the second most populated island of FSM, with 13,856 inhabitants at the 2010 census. – Micronesia Places

6. Colonia

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Colonia is the capital and largest city of Yap State. It is also the capital of Kolonia State which administers Yap proper as well as 13 atolls and various islands extending east and south for about 800 km. The 2010 Census population of Colonia was 3,126 persons. Colonia was founded in 1885 as a Spanish Catholic mission during the period when Yap was a colony of Spain. – Micronesia Places

7. Kepirohi Waterfall

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Kepirohi Falls is one of Pohnpei’s most popular waterfalls. The large open lake at its base is ideal for swimming and is a popular destination for tourists and locals. The waterfall is about 66 meters high and 98 meters wide, made of square basalt rocks. It’s truly a sight to behold, and you won’t want to miss it! It’s about a 5-minute stroll from the main Pohnpei road, on a stone path lined with tropical flower varieties that are of great beauty and color. – Micronesia Places

8. Nan Madol

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Kepirohi Falls is one of Pohnpei’s most popular waterfalls. The large open lake at its base is ideal for swimming and is a popular destination for tourists and locals. The waterfall is about 66 meters high and 98 meters wide, made of square basalt rocks.

It’s truly a sight to behold, and you won’t want to miss it! It’s about a 5-minute stroll from the main Pohnpei road, on a stone path lined with tropical flower varieties that are of great beauty and color. – Micronesia Places

9. Yap Stone Money Bank

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Rai stones, also known as raay, or fei stones, are one of the many large artifacts produced and prized by the indigenous peoples of Micronesia’s Yap islands. They may also be referred to as Yap stone money. Rai stones are carved from crystalline limestone, typically in the form of a disc with a hole at one end.

The smallest rai stone can be up to 3.5 centimeters in diameter, while the largest is found on the island of Rumung, in the vicinity of the Riy village, measuring 3.6 meters in diameter, 50 centimeters in thickness, and weighing in at 4.000 kilograms. – Micronesia Places

10. Ant Atoll

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Ant Atoll is a tiny atoll located off the western coast of the island of Pohnpei, Federated State of Micronesia, along with Pakin Atoll. Together, these islands make up the Senyavin Group of islands. Ant is believed to have been settled by an ancient civilization, which may have been the same people who constructed the nearby island of Nan Madol.

According to legend, the half-mythic hero King Isokeelkel first came to and lived on the island of Ant, where he learned from its inhabitants’ ways. He then conquered Pohnpei from Nan Madol. – Micronesia Places

11. Lelu

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Lelu, also known as Lelu town, is a municipality on Kosrae Island, Federated State, Micronesia, United States of America. Lelu is made up of two parts: the small satellite island, Lelu, and the large part, the northeastern part, Kosrae Island.

The capital of the municipality, Lelu village, is located on the island of Lelu. Tofol is the main village of the municipality, located on the island Kosrae, and was established as a Town on January 1, 1989. – Micronesia Places

12. Lelu Ruins Historic Park

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Leluh is a major prehistory and historical archaeological site, which includes the remains of an ancient city on the island of Lelu, which is part of the larger Kosrae island in Micronesia’s Federated States. Leluh was home to a civilization that reached its peak in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. The remains of the civilization were still present when Europeans first reached the island in the early 1800s.

Lelu’s rulers gradually conquered and unified the entire Kosrae island. From their capital, Leluh, they ruled the entire island with a system of government that archaeologists believe resembled that of Tonga and Hawaii. – Micronesia Places

13. jeep island

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


It’s possible that “Jeep Island” is a local or regional name for one of Micronesia’s islands, or maybe it’s a brand-new name or a lesser-known place. Without more context, it’s difficult to give specific information about it. If there’s a new development or tourist attraction, it may not be well-known yet. – Micronesia Places

14. Yap Islands

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


The Yap Islands, also known as the Western Caroline Islands, is an archipelago located in the Federated States of Micronesia, in the Pacific Ocean. It is made up of the Gagil-, Tamil-, Maap-, Rumung-, and Yap islands. The archipelago is formed by a coral reef, and the largest island, Yap, is characterized by its central range of hills, rising to a height of 518 feet, and is densely forested.

The average temperature is relatively constant throughout the year, with the average monthly temperature being in the low-80s F The average annual rainfall is 120 inches. The capital of Yap State, Colonia, is located on the eastern shore of Yap Island. – Micronesia Places

15. Paipalap

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Without a doubt, Paipalap, also known as Sokehs Rock is Pohnpei’s most dramatic feature. Over 100 meters of uncovered basalt form the upper part of a giant volcanic plug that protrudes from the north of Sokehs Mount and towers over Pohnpei’s harbor and only city, Kolonia.

The unmarked trail to the Rock, which is also known as “The Spire” and “The Adam’s Apple”, starts south of a brown-colored house 1.2 kilometers from Mwalok A1 Store and near the Danipei Church. The steep path is defined by steep cement stairs near the base and then a level section with two. – Micronesia Places

16. Sokehs Rock

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Sokehs Rock, also known as Paipalap, is one of Pohnpei’s most remarkable geological formations, located west of the island’s capital Kolonia. Like many places on and around the island, there’s evidence of a destroyed Japanese antiaircraft battery at the peak of the cliff, which guards an airstrip near the cliff’s base. Today, this rock remains a popular hiking spot, with mandatory history lessons from local guides. – Micronesia Places

17. Tamilyog Trail

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


On our way from Colonia to the airport, we find a large sign on our right and turn right. It is initially a track but soon becomes a trail. This trail used to connect the east and west sides of Yap. It was abandoned for a while after the road was built around the island, which is a quicker way to get around the island if you have a car. Recently, it was re-opened as a way to reconnect people with their roots, the island, nature, and tradition. – Micronesia Places

18. Liduduhniap Falls

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


There is a very bumpy, pot-filled road outside and you have to pay a small amount of money to a local family living near the entrance. Upon entering, you are met by a huge memorial for the victims who drowned at this two-tiered waterfall. We decided not to go swimming, but the view and spray were worth it! Pohnpei has a reputation for having some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world and this one does not disappoint! – Micronesia Places

19. The Blue Hole

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


 Blue holes are large marine caverns or sinkholes that are open to the surface. They develop in a carbonate bedrock bank or island. Blue holes contain tidally affected water of fresh water, marine water, or mixed water. – Micronesia Places

20. Japanese Zeros

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


A6M “Zero” is a carrier-variant long-range fighter formerly produced by the Mitsubishi aircraft company, now part of the Mitsubishi heavy industries. It was used by the Japanese Navy between 1940 and 1945. – Micronesia Places

21. Sunset Park

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Sunset Park is a small community beach park located in one of the Yap villages. As of December 2014, the image is a huge gothic arch. There is no such arch. There is a small entrance fee for non-residents. – Micronesia Places

22. Colonia Bridge

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


The “Colonia Bridge” is the result of a four-stage infrastructure project led and financed by a brewer corporation in partnership with the colonial council. The project was broken down into seven Community Goals which were executed from October 7, 2003 to March 10, 2004.

This massive project saw the addition of stationary Wells Class Carriers and Starports along the colonial connection highway route between the colonial region and the core systems, making travel easier for both regions. The Colonia Bridge officially begins at Alcor and ends at Colonia. – Micronesia Places

23. Protestant Church

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


Protestants are a branch of the Christian faith that focuses on justification by God through belief alone, the belief that salvation comes through unmerited divine mercy, the sanctity of all believers, the Bible as the only infallible authority for Christian belief and practice, and the five solae, which summarize the fundamental theological principles of mainstream Protestantism. – Micronesia Places

24. St. Joseph’s Church

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


The Christian faith is the dominant religion in the Federation of American Samoa and is a fundamental part of the state’s culture. Although the country is a secular state, its Constitution guarantees religious freedom. Before European missionaries’ arrival, the different ethnic groups living in the present-day Federation of American Samoa practiced a variety of religious beliefs. – Micronesia Places

25. Mt. Pwusehn Malek

Micronesia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Micronesia


The view from the top of the small mountain is spectacular, you can see the whole of Palikir and also get a great view of the island from here. However, the ascent to the top is not easy, you have to go through steep rocks and narrow ways. Be very careful if it is raining as it can be slippery. There isn’t a specific route to the top. You just have to find it. – Micronesia Places

Micronesia Places