Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia. A landlocked nation bordering China and Russia, Mongolia is renowned for its vast, rugged landscapes and nomadic traditions. Its capital city, Ulaanbataar, is named after Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire in the 13th and 14th centuries.

The National Museum of Mongolia houses historical and ethnographic artifacts and the restored 1,200-year-old Gantantegchinlen monastery from the early 19th century.

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1. Ulaanbaatar

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The capital of Mongolia is located in the valley of Tuul River, on the outskirts of Bogd Khan Uul National Park. It was founded as a Buddhist settlement by nomads in the 17th century and became a permanent city in the 19th century.

The 20th-century Soviet occupation led to religious purges. Today, the city is characterized by Soviet-era structures, museums within remaining monasteries, and a mix of traditional and modern life. – Mongolia Places

2. Bogd Khaan Palace Museum

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The “Green Palace” was part of a larger complex known as the “Winter Palace” or “Green Palace Museum”. The Winter Palace was the royal residence of the 8th ruler of Mongolia, the “Bogd Khan” or “Ruler of Mongolia”. The Winter Palace is now a museum complex. – Mongolia Places

3. Zaisan Monument

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The “Zaisan Memorial” is a monument located in the southern part of the Mongol capital Ulaanbaatar, in Khan-ul Duureg, that pays tribute to allied Mongol and Soviet military personnel who were killed during World War II. – Mongolia Places

4. Choijin Lama Temple Museum

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The Choijin Lamas Temple is a Buddhist temple in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. It is made up of six temples. The Choijin Lama was the brother of Emperor Bogd the Eighth Bogdetsun Dampa. – Mongolia Places

5. The Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The Fine Arts Zanzabazar Museum is a museum dedicated to the fine arts of Mongolia. Founded in 1966, the museum is located in the capital of Mongolia. The museum displays collections of fine art masters of Mongolia from the 18th century to the 20th century. The museum works in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization to improve the presentation of the museum’s collections. – Mongolia Places

6. Gandantegchinlen Monastery

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The Buddhist monastery of Gandanegchinlen also known as Gantangchenlen or Gantangchen monastery, is one of the oldest Buddhist monasteries in Mongolia. Founded in 1809 and closed in 1939 amid persecution, it was the only active Buddhist monastery in Mongolia between 1944 and 1989. Today, the monastery remains the center of Buddhist life in Mongolia. – Mongolia Places

7. Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Genghis Khan’s Equestrian is a 40m tall stainless steel sculpture of the Mongol leader on horseback, making it the world’s highest equestrian sculpture. It is situated on the banks of the Tuul River, near the Mongol capital of Ulaanbaatar, about 54 km east of the place where he is said to have found his golden whip. It is pointed east towards the place where he was born.

The statue is located on top of a 10m tall visitor center at the top of the statue complex, which is made up of 36 columns representing each of the 36 Khans of the Mongol Empire, from the time of his father, Genghis the First to the time of his son, Ligdan the Second. The sculptor and architect D. Derendebileg designed the statue which was erected in 2008. – Mongolia Places

8. International Intellectual Museum

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The museum features puzzles and games created by local and foreign artists.”There is a puzzle with 56, 831 movements,” says Zandraa, the museum’s curator. There are dozens of hand-crafted chess sets, as well as sophisticated traditional Mongolian jigsaw puzzles that are very similar to the Rubik’s cube.

A knowledgeable guide will explain how the puzzles work and will even do magic tricks. This museum is a great place for children and adults of all ages. – Mongolia Places

9. Hustai National Park

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Hustai National Park or Hustai Nuruu National Park is one of the national parks of Mongolia. The park is located in Khustai mountain range in Töv province. The park flows through the Tuul River. Hustai National Park was declared a special protected area of Mongolia by the Mongolian Government in 1993.

The park was named Hustai National Park after the Hustai River, which flows through it. The park was established in 1993, a year after the reintroduction of the horse Takhi. – Mongolia Places

10. The Natural History Museum of Mongolia

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The Central Museum of Dinosaurs of Mongolia also known as the Central Museum of Paleontology, was a museum dedicated to the conservation and identification of dinosaur fossils located in the Chingeletei District of Ulaanbatar, Mongolia. Completed in 1974, the museum was the first of its kind in Mongolia. – Mongolia Places

11. Монголын Үндэсний Музей

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Previously known as the National Museum of Mongolia, the National Museum of Mongolia is a museum dedicated to the history of Mongolia. It is situated in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. – Mongolia Places

12. Sukhbaatar Square

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The central square of the capital of Mongolia is Sükhbaattaryn Talbai, named after the revolutionary hero Damdin sükhbaatar. After he died in 1923, the square was named after Genghis Khan who is considered the founder of Mongolia..The square was renamed Chinggis Square in 2013 but was restored to its original name in 2016.

The square’s north face is dominated by a large columned monument honoring Genghis Khan and his successors, including his son, Ögedei Khan, and his son, Kublai Khan. In the square’s center is an equestrian sculpture of Damdin Souskhbaatar. – Mongolia Places

13. Altai Mountains

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The Altai Mountains, also known as the Altay mountain range, is a mountain range that straddles the border of Central Asia and East Asia. It is located at the confluence of the Irtysh River and the Ob River in the Altay region of Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan. – Mongolia Places

14. Khuvsgul Lake

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


It is the second-largest freshwater lake by volume and the third-largest by area in Mongolia, after Lake Uvs. It is situated close to the northern boundary of Mongolia, approximately 200 km southwest of the southern extremity of Lake Baikal, and is often referred to as the “Younger sister” of these two “sister lakes”. – Mongolia Places

15. Gorkhi Terelj National Park

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Gorkhi-terelj National Park is one of Mongolia’s national parks. The tourist zone of Terelj has several “tourist camps.” Terelj is connected to Ulaanbaatar by a road. The road reaches the Gorkhiin Davaa Pass. The majority of tourist camps and tourist places are located before this pass. – Mongolia Places

16. Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Situated in remote western Mongolia on the border with China and Russia, Altai Tvan Bogd National Park is home to the majestic and rugged Tavan Bogd mountain range, with Khüiten Peak at its highest point. The mighty Potanin Glacier lies in the north-eastern part of the park, while in the south-eastern part the huge Khoton Lake and Khurgan Lake, connected by a canal, are home to a variety of fish and birds. On the northeast fringe of the park are the ancient stone carvings. – Mongolia Places

17. Kharkhorin

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Kharkhorin is a city and sum center located in the north-eastern part of the Oblast of Ulaanbaatar. In 2017, the sum population in Kharkhorin amounted to 13,828 with 13,964 people living in the town and 13,765 people living in the sum center. In 2017, Kharkhorin city had a population of 14,765 inhabitants covering an area of 20,5 km². – Mongolia Places

18. Ölgii

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Elevated at 1,710 meters above sea level, it is located in the extreme western part of the country. As of 2014, the population of the prefecture was 30,338 people. The capital of the prefecture is the city of Ulaan-Ulaanbaatar, which is also known as Ulaanbaatar. The prefecture is also the capital of the bayan-uulgii Aimag, which is located in the western part of Mongolia. – Mongolia Places

19. Darkhan

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Mongolia’s second-largest city and capital, Darkhan was founded on October 17, 1961, with economic aid from the Comecon. The city was originally planned to be a manufacturing center for the northern part of Mongolia. Polish experts constructed a woodworking factory, a brick factory, and a lime factory. Hungarians constructed a meat factory, which opened in 1974. – Mongolia Places

20. Erdenet

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Erdenet, also known as Orkhon, is the second-largest city in Mongolia with a population of 98,071 in 2018. It is the capital of the Orkhon Aimag and is located in the north of the country, situated in the valley between the Orkhon and Selenge rivers, approximately 240 km northwest of the capital, Darkhan. – Mongolia Places

21. Gobi Desert

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The Gobi Desert is a large, arid area in the north of China and the south of Mongolia. It is renowned for its dunes, mountains, and rare wildlife such as snow leopards and Bactrian camels. The Khongoryn Els dunes, which are said to hum with the song when the wind blows, can be found in the Gobi Gurvanavansaikhan National Park. The park also overlooks the deep ice of Yolyn Am Canyon. Dinosaur fossils can be found at the red “Flaming Cliffs” in Bayanzag. – Mongolia Places

22. Yolyn Am

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


The name Yolyn Am is derived from the Old World vulture that inhabits the gorge. The name is derived from the Mongolian word Yol, which means “Yol of the Vulture”. The name “Yolyn Am” translates to “Yowl of the Eagles” or “Yell of the Vulture Valley”. Yolyn Am is located in the deep and narrow gorge of the Gurvan Saikhan mountains in southern Mongolia. – Mongolia Places

23. Migjid Janraisig Sum

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


As you come to the end of the monastery, you will see a white Migjid Süm, which is the main attraction of the monastery. On the walls of the monastery, there are hundreds of pictures of the Buddha Ayush, who looks through the dark to the Migjid.

The original Migjid Süm was commissioned by the 8th Bogd Khan in the belief that it would restore his sight. However, it is said that it was melted down by the Russians to make bullets. – Mongolia Places

24. Orkhon Valley

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Situated on the banks of the Orkhon River, Orkhon Valley is located in Central Mongolia, about 320 km west of Ulaanbaatar, and has been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The cultural landscape of Orkhon Valley traces the history of nomadic pastoralism for over two thousand years. – Mongolia Places

25. Flaming Cliffs

Mongolia Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Mongolia


Plantation Cliff’s site is a region of the Gobi Desert located in the area of Bayanzag in the province of Umnögovi where important fossil discoveries have been made. The site was named “Plantation Cliffs” by the American paleontologist, Roy Chapman Andrews who visited the area in the 20th century.

The area is best known for yielding the first dinosaur eggs. It is also home to specimens of the velociraptor, as well as eutherian mammals. Plantation cliffs are also known as “red cliffs” due to the red color of the rocks they expose. Fossil removal from the area is prohibited without proper permits. – Mongolia Places

Mongolia Places