Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia. Tunisia is the most northerly country in Africa. The country is located in the Maghreb area of North Africa and is bordered on the west and southwest by Algeria, on the southeast by Libya, and on the north and east by the Mediterranean Sea.

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1. Amphitheater of El Jem

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


El Jem Amphitheatre is an oval-shaped amphitheater located in El Djem Tunisia. The amphitheater dates back to the Roman era when it was located in the African province of Tysdrus. Since 1979, the amphitheater has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. – Tunisia Places

2. Bardo National Museum

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


The National Museum of Tunis is a museum in Tunis, Tunisia. It is situated on the outskirts of the city center, close to Le Bardo, and is considered one of the leading museums of the Mediterranean region. It is also the second largest museum on the African continent, second only to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, in terms of its collections. – Tunisia Places

3. Ribat of Sousse

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Ribat Sousse is a type of ribat found in Sousse. The origin of the ribat is uncertain, but it is believed to date back to the 8th or 9th century. The ribat was rebuilt or finished in the early part of the 9th century during the reign of the house of Aghlabidi. – Tunisia Places

4. Dougga

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


The archaeological site of Dougga, also known as Thugga, or TBGG, is located on the banks of the Dougga River, 65 hectares in size. It is situated in the north of the country, close to the town of Touboursouk.

The settlement of Dougga dates back to the time of the Berber, the Punic, and the Romans. In 1997, UNESCO declared Dougga a World Heritage Site, claiming it to be “the best preserved Roman village in North Africa”. – Tunisia Places

5. Djerbahood

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


On the island of Djerba, in the municipality of Erriadh, 250 mural paintings were created by artists from around the world as part of a street art event called Djerbahood. The project was launched in June 2014 by a gallery in the French city of Paris. – Tunisia Places

6. Ribat

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Monastir Ribat, also known as the Ribat of Tunis, is one of the oldest Islamic defensive structures in Tunisia. It dates back to the time of the Arab conquests during the conquest of Maghreb by the Muslims. It is one of the most important monuments of the city. – Tunisia Places

7. Djerba Explore Park

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Located in the heart of the Midoun tourist zone, at the base of Taguermess Lighthouse, the Djerba Explore Park is easy to get to, less than 10 minutes from Djerba island’s main hotels and about 20 kilometers from Djerba airport and Houmt Souk. – Tunisia Places

8. Guellala Museum

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Built-in 2001, this historical museum houses an extensive collection of artifacts used in the everyday life of the inhabitants of the village, It is situated on a hilltop above the village, distinguished by its white watchtower, which is ideal for watching the sunset.

Guellala is one of the most famous villages in Djerba, which is renowned all over the country for the pottery workshops it houses, of which this museum is full of exhibits. – Tunisia Places

9. Tunis

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Tunisia is the capital and largest city of North Africa’s North African nation. It is located on the shores of Lake Tunis, inland from the Gulf of Tunis on the Mediterranean Sea.
The city is renowned for its medina, which dates back centuries, as well as its archaeological museum, the Bardo. In the 15th century, the Bardo housed the most famous Roman mosaics in the world. The park-like ruins of the ancient city of Carthage are located in the northern suburbs of the city. – Tunisia Places

10. Ez-Zitouna Mosque

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


ZE-ZITOUNA MOBILE, or EL-ZITUNI MOBILE, is one of the main mosques in the center of Medina of Tunis, in the city of Tunis, Tunisia. It is the oldest mosque in the Medina of Tunis. The Mosque covers an area of 5000 square meters and has 9 entrances. – Tunisia Places

11. Byrsa Hill

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Byrsa was not only a fortified citadel over the Phoenician port of Carthage but also the hill on which it stood. According to Virgil’s account of Dido’s founding of Carthage: When Dido and her companions were camped at Byrsa, they were offered as much land as they could cover with one oxhide. So Dido cut one oxhide into small strips and laid them on the ground from one end to the other until she had surrounded the hilltop. – Tunisia Places

12. Belvedere Park

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


As of the 2020 census, the population of Belvedere Park is 15,113, making it one of the largest Census-designated places in the county of DeKalb, Georgia. The area began to develop in 1952, with a planned community that included a high school, several parks, a shopping center, and other amenities. Over the next ten years, the area continued to grow. – Tunisia Places

13. Dar Lasram

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Dar Lasram is a palatial complex located at 24 Tribunal Street in the Medina area of Tunis. Dar Lasram is the seat of the Lasram family, which is a noble family of Tunis. The Lasrims are descended from the Yemeni tribe that settled in the town of Qayouan.

The Lasrims are a wealthy family of landowners. Most of the members of the family were Ministers of the Pen. One of the members is Hamouda Osram. Hamouda is a wealthy landowner and the Khawaja of the Berber Cavalry Regiments.

Hamouda purchased a large plot of land and demolished several adjacent buildings to build the palace. The construction of the palace lasted between 1812 and 1819. – Tunisia Places

14. Bab El Bhar

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Bab el Bhar is one of the city gates of Tunis, the capital city of Tunisia. It divides the Medina of Tunis from the modern city. It consists of a low archway with a crenelated parapet. – Tunisia Places

15. Sidi Youssef Dey Mosque

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Al B’chamqiya also known as the Mosque of Al B’Chamqiya, was built in the 17th century in Medina. It was the first mosque of Ottoman and Turkish origin to be constructed in Tunis. – Tunisia Places

16. Municipal Market

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


The central market is located in the heart of the city and is a big covered market where people come to buy meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, and spices. The surrounding areas are full of food stores. If you are visiting the central market, you will have a chance to see the everyday life of the beautiful people of Tunisia. Don’t miss this opportunity to visit the central market with your loved ones. – Tunisia Places

17. Avenue Habib Bourguiba

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Tunisia Avenue is the main boulevard in the city of Tunis. It is the political and economic center of the country. The boulevard is named after the first president of Tunisia and the leader of the national independence movement. – Tunisia Places

18. Royal Mausoleum of Tourbet el Bey

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Tourbet el Bey is one of the most important mausoleums in Tunisia. It is located southwest of the Medina of Tunis and is the final resting place for most of the rulers of the Husainid dynasty in Tunisia. The last two rulers of the house of Husainid, Moncef, and Lamine, are not buried in the mausoleum. Moncef is buried in the cemetery of Jellaz, and Lamine is buried at the cemetery of La Marsa. – Tunisia Places

19. Municipal Theatre

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


 Unlike state theatres, such as those in Germany or Austria, municipal theatres are not state-run. Instead, they are owned and operated by the municipality in which they are located. In Europe, municipal theatres originated from court theatres from the late 18th or early 19th century. In some cases, municipal theatres were also created out of private theatres that were co-financed by the wealthy inhabitants of the municipality. – Tunisia Places

20. Médina

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


The Medina of Tunis, also known as the Medina quarter, is the capital of Tunisia and is one of the most important UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world. It dates back to the Almohad period and has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1979. There are approximately 700 monuments in the Medina of Tunis. These monuments range from palaces to mosques to mausoleums to madrasas to fountains. – Tunisia Places

21. Cathedral of St Vincent de Paul and St Olivia of Palermo

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


St. Vincent de Paul is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Tunis, Tunisia, dedicated to the patron saint of charity, Saint Vincent de Paul. The cathedral is the episcopal seat of the Archdiocese of Tunis. The cathedral is located at Place de l’Indépendence located at the intersection of the Avenida Bourguiba and the Avenida de France, across from the French embassy. – Tunisia Places

22. Sousse Archaeological Museum

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


The Archaeological Museum of Sousse is a museum dedicated to the preservation of archaeological remains in the city of Sousse, in the Governorate of Sousse, Tunisia. It is located in the historic Kasbah of the Medina of Sousse, which dates back to the eleventh century AD.

The museum was founded in 1951 and opened its doors for the first time in 2012. Since then, the collections have been reorganized and the building has been completely renovated. The museum houses the second-largest collection of mosaics in the world, after the Bardo National Museum in the capital of Tunis. – Tunisia Places

23. Sidi Bou Said

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Sidi Bou Said is a picturesque town perched on a bluff overlooking the Mediterranean. It has al fresco cafes and fine restaurants, as well as small art galleries. The streets are cobbled and the houses are blue and white. The EnnejmaPalace, built in the early 20th century, has arches, stucco and patterned tiles. Dar El Annabi, a historic house, has wax figures in traditional costumes. There is a marina next to a sandy beach. – Tunisia Places

24. Site archéologique de Carthage

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Carthage is an archaeological site located in modern-day Carthage, Tunisia. It has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979. The site is dominated by Byrsa Hill, which was the capital of the Roman city. The main feature of the site is the huge silhouette of the St-Louis Cathedral, built in the late 19th century on what is believed to have been the burial site of the 8th Crusade’s King Louis IX, who died there.

The remains of the city’s most important district are near the cathedral, next to this empty tomb, whose remains have been repatriated back to France. There are only a few foundations left and fragments of columns, but the city’s power can be measured by its size, space, views, and layout of streets. – Tunisia Places

25. Kairouan

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Located in the inland desert of northern Tunisia, the city of Kairouan developed into a major trading center and hub of Islamic scholarship during the 9th century when the emirs of the Aghlabid dynasty ruled the city and constructed many of its important monuments.

Today, the Great Mosque, located on the outskirts of the medina and adorned with antique columns and a towering minaret, dates back to this time and is one of the main pilgrimage sites for Muslims. According to tradition, seven trips to Kairouan equals one hajj to the holy city of Mecca. – Tunisia Places

26. Great Mosque of Kairouan

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


The great mosque of Kairouan or uqba mosque, also known as the mosque of Uqba, is the largest and most impressive of the mosques in North Africa. It covers an area of more than 9,000 square meters or 97,000 square feet. It is located in the UNESCO World Heritage town of Kairouan in Tunisia. The mosque was built by the Arabic general Uqba ibn Nafi in 50 AH at the time of the foundation of the city. It is among the oldest mosques in the Islamic world. It is also the model for all mosques later built in Maghreb countries.

The perimeter of the mosque is about 405 meters. Inside, the main hall is hypostyle, while the courtyard is marble-paved and the minarets are square. The Mosque of Uqba is not only one of the grandest mosques in the world but also one of the greatest in terms of its spiritual prestige. It is also one of the finest examples of Islamic architecture. In addition to being one of the first Islamic places of worship, the Uqba Mosque is notable for its use of horseshoe arches. – Tunisia Places

27. Mosque of the Three Doors

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Muhammad Bin Khairun Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Tunisia. It is located in the city of Kairouan. It was commissioned in 866 by Muhammad bin Khairun as a private local benefactor. It is one of the first mosques in the history of Islam to have a richly ornamented exterior façade. It was further modified in the 12th century by adding a minaret, which was completed in 1440 by the Hafsid dynasty. – Tunisia Places

28. National Museum of Islamic Art of Raqqada

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


The National Museum of Islamic Arts of Raqqada-Kairouan is located in the former presidential residence, which was converted into a center for culture and education on 14 November 1986.

The Raqqada Museum is the largest collection of Islamic artifacts in the whole of Tunisia. It houses treasures of international importance, displayed in seven rooms spread over the ground and first floors, as well as a room for educational purposes. – Tunisia Places

29. Mausoleé Sidi Amor Abada

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Sidi amor abbada is a mausoleum in the town of Kairouan, Tunisia. The mausoleum was built around 18721 and houses the tomb of the marabout al-Ayari. The marabout lived in the early 19th century and was a master blacksmith. He was an outstanding figure who was respected and revered by the local population – who attributed supernatural gifts and powers to him – as well as by the Husseinite monarchs who honored him with favors, such as Moustapha bey and Ahmed I bey. Around the time of his death in 1855, many stories and legends were told, some of which remain in the collective memory to this day. – Tunisia Places

30. Zaouia of Sidi Sahabi

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Sidi Sahib Zawiya also known as Zawiya Abu Al-Balawi or simply Zawiya, is one of the oldest zawiyas in the city of Kairouan. The zawiya dates back to the beginning of the city’s history, but most of the current complex dates back to 17th-century renovations and extensions. – Tunisia Places

31. Basins of Aghlabides

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Aghlabid basins, also known as Aghlabid reservoirs, are a series of ancient reservoirs and hydraulic works located in the city of Kairouan. Built during the 9th century under the reign of Aghlabid, these reservoirs were used to supply water to the city. – Tunisia Places

32. Bir Barrouta

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Bir Barrouta is a well-shaped monument in the medina of Kairouane. It consists of a domed structure that houses a well1 and is one of the oldest well structures in the Kairouan area.

The legend surrounding Bir Barrouta surrounds it: according to an old folk tale, the well is linked to the holy well of Mecca Bir Zakhem2,3. The well was dug in 180 AH by Ifriqiya Harthama Ibn El Ayoun during the Abbasid era.

The well is located in a building whose present-day condition dates from a reconstruction ordered by the ruler of the Mouradite era, Mohamed Bey El Mouradi, in 16904. – Tunisia Places

33. Dar Hassine Allani

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


The Dar Hassine ALLANI is a traditional Tunisian house in Kairouan. The house has been converted into a museum and guest house due to its fine example of XVIIIth century Arabian and Muslim architecture. The house is located on the organized trip to Kairouan Medina. – Tunisia Places

34. Kairouan

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Kairouan’s Great Mosque was a public edifice, built along roads that intersected the city’s commercial, educational, and religious centers. It thus assumed the important role of representing the cosmopolitan, urbane culture of the city, one of North Africa’s first settled under Muslim rule. – Tunisia Places

35. Matmata

Tunisia Places: 35 Best Places to Visit in Tunisia


Matmata is a Berber-speaking village located in the south of the country. In 2004, the population of Matmata was 2,116 inhabitants. The inhabitants of Matmata live in some of the underground Berber-speaking villages. The structures of the village are built by digging a big hole in the ground. – Tunisia Places

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