Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is a Uzbekistanic country and the former Soviet Republic of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is renowned for its mosques and mausoleums, as well as for its sites along the Silk Road, an ancient trade route linking China and the Mediterranean Sea.

One of the main cities along the Silk Road is Samarkand, which is home to one of the most significant examples of Islamic architecture in the world: the Registan. The Registan is a square lined with three ornate, mosaically-layered religious schools from the 15th to 17th centuries.

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1. Tashkent

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Takkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, is renowned for its numerous museums and its blend of modern and traditional Soviet-style architecture. It is home to the Amiri Timur Museum, which houses a collection of Timurid-era manuscripts, weapons, and other artifacts.

Nearby is the vast State Museum of Uzbekistan, which houses Buddhist artifacts from centuries past. The city’s skyline is best known for the observation deck of the tall Uzbekistan Tower. – Uzbekistan Places

2. Chorsu Bazaar

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Chorsu Bazaar, also known as Charsu Bazaar, is one of the oldest bazaars in Uzbekistan. It is situated in the main square of the old city center of Uzbekistan, the capital of the country. Under the blue-colored dome of the building and the surrounding areas, you can find everything you need for your daily life. – Uzbekistan Places

3. State Museum of the Temurids

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The State Museum of the Temurid History 7950 is one of the most important places for every tourist to visit in the city of Tashkent. The famous museum was opened in 1996 to commemorate the 660th birthday of the great commander Amir Timur.

The three-story round building is framed by a domed dome in a classic oriental style. The interior of the museum is adorned with marble, unique frescoes, and gold leaf. The walls of the halls are decorated with frescoes depicting Tamerlane’s life and paintings that reflect the atmosphere of the time.

The main attraction of the museum is the crystal chandelier that stands at 8.5 meters high. The crystal chandelier has 106 thousand pendants on it. The museum has over 3 thousand exhibits that tell the story of Uzbekistan during the reign of the Timurid dynasty.

Here you can find jewelry, clothing, musical instruments, tools, and other Middle Ages items. The Central Hall houses a copy of the Osman koran, the holy book of Muslims. – Uzbekistan Places

4. Amir Temur Square

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Amir Timur Square, also known as Amir Temur Xiyoboni, is the capital square of Tashkent and was formerly known as Constantinov Square.

Its predecessor was a park built in the early 19th century during the reign of the 1st governor-general of Russian Turkestan. The park was located at the junction of two main streets: Moscow Street and Kaufmanfmann Street.

The present-day Amir Timur Square was constructed in 1882 by the architect Nikolay Ulyanov, working under the supervision of Mikhail Chernayev. – Uzbekistan Places

5. Minor Mosque

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Minerva Mosque is one of the newest mosques in Tashkent. It is situated in the new area of the city. Near UzExpoCenter and Hotel International, Minerva Mosque was inaugurated on October 1, 2014, the day before the Eid holiday.

Minerva Mosque has become a popular place for evening walks in the city. Minerva Mosque is situated on the bank of Ankhor Channel, surrounded by a garden area. – Uzbekistan Places

6. Anhor Lokomotiv

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Anchor Lokomotiv amusement park is one of the most popular amusement parks in the capital of Uzbekistan. It is situated in the heart of the city, along the Anchor River’s bed, close to the museum of Olympic glory. The park offers a wide variety of attractions for children, teenagers, and adults.

Many people in the capital enjoy amusement parks for their shady lanes and fun, so it’s no surprise that the park has become so popular. Guests from all over Uzbekistan are drawn to the park’s taste – it’s especially interesting to discover how parks in the East are decorated.

Anchor locomotive is a mix of East and West styles. The park’s attractions range from the classic to the extreme. – Uzbekistan Places

7. Friendship of the Nations Palace

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The Palace is the official residence of the UN Office in Geneva. It is located in the Swiss city of Geneva. The Palace of Nations was built in 1929-193 as the headquarters for the United Nations League. In 1946, the Secretary General of the UN signed the Headquarters Agreement with Swiss authorities. Since then, the Palace has hosted over 10,000 Intergovernmental Meetings in 2012 alone. – Uzbekistan Places

8. Hazrati Imam complex

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The Hast-Imam complex was built near the tomb of Hazrati Imam, the first imam in Tashkent and one of the most famous scientists, scholars of the Koran, and hadith, poets, and craftsmen of Hazrati. The Hazrati Imam’s tomb is located in Hast-Imam Square.

The old town of Hast-Imam consists of neighborhoods with old wattle & daub houses that were affected by the 1966 earthquake. The area around Hast-Imam contains a few architectural monuments, such as the madrasah of Barak-Khan, the Tilla Sheikh Mosque the mausoleum of Saint Abu Bakr kaffal Shashi, and the Islamic Institute where the future preachers are trained.

It also houses the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Central Asia under the leadership of the Mufti. In the treasury of the caliphs, there is an ancient manuscript with 353 parchment sheets very large in size, containing the original text of the Quran. – Uzbekistan Places

9. Magic City Park

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Magic City Park is one of Tashkent’s most popular tourist attractions. It’s an amusement park based on a fairytale. The park features a magical castle surrounded by a collection of colorful houses, as well as cafes and various entertainment areas, where visitors can spend a day filled with adventure and excitement within the picturesque city. – Uzbekistan Places

10. Tashkent City Park

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Tashkent City Park is huge, located in the heart of Tashkent city, and it is well-maintained by a small group of workers. The park is full of lush greenery and winding paths that surround the artificial lake at the center of the park.

It is easy to see why the park is so beautiful – especially when you look at it from the sky. But compared to other famous parks in Tashkent, like the alley of Writers Park and Mirzo ulugbek Park, Tashkent City Park lacks a certain charm – at least for the time being. During the day the park can be very quiet, which adds to its somewhat eerie atmosphere. – Uzbekistan Places

11. Alisher Navoiy Theater

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The Alisher Navoy State Academic Big Theatre is Uzbekistan’s national opera theater. It was founded in 1929 as a professional theatre by amateurs of concert and ethnographic group led by Musa Kari-Yakov. In 1939, it changed its name to Uzbek State Opera & Ballet Theatre.

In March 1948, it was unified with Russian theatre and changed its name to State Opera + Ballet Theatre, naming it after Alisher Navoy. In 1959, it became an Academic theatre. In 1966, it became a Bolshoi Theatre. – Uzbekistan Places

12. Museum of Applied Arts

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The State Museum of Applied Arts in Uzbekistan, which means “State Museum of Applied Art in Uzbekistan”, is a museum dedicated to decorative arts in Uzbekistan. Founded in 1937 as a temporary exhibition of handicrafts, the museum is located in the city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

The museum houses more than 4,000 pieces of decorative art from Uzbekistan, ranging from wood carving and ceramics to embossing and jewelry, as well as gold weaving and embroidery. Samples of mass production from local industry are also kept in the museum. – Uzbekistan Places

13. Samarkand

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Samarkand is the capital of Samarkand Oblast, Uzbekistan. Samarkand is renowned for its mosques, mausoleums, and mausoleum. Samarkand lies along the Silk Road, an ancient trade route that ran from China to the Mediterranean Sea.

Some of Samarkand’s most famous attractions include the Registan. The Registan is a square lined with three majestic, floor-to-ceiling madrassas that date from the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. Nearby is Gur-e-amir, the massive tomb of Tamerlane, the founder of the Turkmenistan-based Timurid Empire. – Uzbekistan Places

14. Shah-i-Zinda

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Shah-iy-Zinda necropolis is an ancient necropolis located in Samarkand on the northeast side of the city. The ensemble consists of mausoleum and other ceremonial buildings dating from the 11th to 15th centuries and the 19th century.

The name Shah-iy-zinda is derived from the legend that Shah Muhammad’s cousin Qutham was buried here. Qutham arrived in Samarkand as part of the 7th-century Arab invasion to proselytize Islam. – Uzbekistan Places

15. Rukhobod Mausoleum

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Rukhabad Mausoleum is a single-dome structure built in 1380 by Amir Timur on the site of the grave of the Islamic theologian, mystic, and statesman Burhanadzhi. Burhanadzhi was highly respected by Timur’s contemporaries and contributed to the spread of Islam among nomads in East Turkestan during the 1380s.
The Islamic scholar was married to the princess of China and held great sway in the court of the Yuan dynasty.
The exact date of the death of the Sheikh is unknown but it is believed that he passed away in China.
After his passing, according to his will, the Sheikh’s son Abu Said took the remains of the deceased to Samarkand. – Uzbekistan Places

16. Hazrat Khizr Mosque

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Hazrat Khizr mosque is one of Samarkand’s historical monuments. It dates back to the mid-19th century. The mosque was named after the immortal Prophet Hazrat. It was built on the former site of an old mosque.

The mosque is situated on a hill, next to the Shah-i’Zinda complex in Samarkand. In 2018, a mausoleum for Islam Karimov, the first President of Uzbekistan, was opened inside the mosque. – Uzbekistan Places

17. Happy Bird Art Gallery

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Happy Bird Art Gallery is a historical museum in Samarkand, with a variety of luxurious and domestic works, such as hand-made carpets, old-fashioned clothes, blue and brown mottled ceramic pottery, antique jewelry, paintings, and Suzanne embroidered with intricate patterns, and figurines and graphics.

The Art gallery Director and art historian Elena Ladik welcomes everyone with a warm welcome. Ali Baba Caves art gallery is home to local artifacts, such as carpets, ceramics, unique Suze, decoration types, paintings, and statues.

Happy Bird Art Gallery has a slightly informal interior, but it is full of beauty and hospitality. Variegated Ceramics, Rugs of Unmatched Handwork, Amazing Pictures, Great Paintings, Fine Figurines and Ancient Ornaments. – Uzbekistan Places

18. Bukhara

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The city of Bukhara is located in Uzbekistan, a central Asian country in Central Asia. It was one of the most important cities along the Silk Road, a trade route between East and West. It was also a major center of Islamic learning and culture in the Middle Ages. Today, the city still houses hundreds of preserved mosques, madrasahs, bazaars,s and caravanserai, most of which date back to the 9th and 10th centuries.– Uzbekistan Places

19. Kalan Mosque

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Po-li-Kalan is an Islamic religious complex situated in the city of Bukhara in Uzbekistan. It is composed of three parts: the Masjid of Kalan, the Minareid of Kalân, and the Madrasah of Kalan.

The three structures are arranged in such a way that a square courtyard is created in the center of the complex, with the Masjid and Kalan Mosque facing each other. The square is also connected to the bazaar and the minarets on the north and south sides respectively. – Uzbekistan Places

20. Khiva

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Khiva is a district-level city with a population of about 93,000 inhabitants in the Qorazm region of Uzbekistan. Archaeological evidence suggests that Khiva was founded around 1500 BC. Today, Khiva is the capital of the Khwarezm region.

It is also the capital of Khwarizm oblast, Khwarizm vassal state, and Qorazm oblasts. Khwarizm oblasts were part of the Khwarizm people’s Soviet Republic. – Uzbekistan Places

21. Toshhovli Palace

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


One of the most interesting parts of the old city is the Tosh Hauli Palace. It is easy to imagine life under the Khans. Allah Kuli Khan commissioned the palace in 1831 as part of a large-scale building project that included an auto-surcharge, a time, and a madrassa. The plans for the grand new residence were laid out in 1831 and included a strict two-year construction timeline.

When the architect Usta Nur Muhammad Tajikistan timidly objected that this timeline could not be met, he was immediately impaled (a death that took up to eight hours) and a more agreeable architect was hired. Despite the efforts of thousands of Persian slaves, it still took eight years to complete the palace. The palace remained the Khans’ residence until the 1880s when the Kunya Ark was restored to the Khan’s name. – Uzbekistan Places

22. Ichan Kala

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Ichan Kala is the fortified inner town of Khiva city in Uzbekistan. It has been a World Heritage site since 1990. It has over 50 historical monuments and 250 ancient houses, mostly from the 18th and 19th centuries. For example, the Juma Mosque was built in the 10th century and was rebuilt in 1788-1789, but its well-known hypostyle room still has 112 columns from old buildings.

Some of the most important buildings in Kitchen Kala are the Konya Ark, juma mosque, a mosque, Islam of Alla-kulfi-khan, the Madrasah of Muhammad Aminkhon, makrimkhon, mausoleums of Pahlavi Malik, Sayid Salahuddin, shergozikhons, caravanserai, and markets. – Uzbekistan Places

23. Outer City Wall

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The term “Chinese city walls” refers to the defensive walls that were constructed to protect important pre-modern Chinese towns and cities. Chinese city walls included not only walls, but also fortified towers, gates, moats, and ramparts around them. – Uzbekistan Places

24. Shahrisabz

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Located at 622 m above sea level, Shahrisabz is a city at the district level of Shahrisabz, Qashqardaryo Region, south Uzbekistan. Shahrisabz has a population of 140,500 inhabitants.

The Economic Cooperation Organization has declared Shahrisabz the tourism capital of Uzbekistan for the year 2024. The city is located about 80 km south of Samarkand. – Uzbekistan Places

25. Ak Saray Palace

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The Ak-Saray Palace is a ruined medieval-style palace and historical site located in the city of Shahrisabz. Built in 1380, it was part of the early Timurid period under the rule of Timur I. In 2000, it was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

Timur was born in the vicinity of Kesh, which was then called Shahrisabz. He wanted to make Shahrisabz his capital, rather than Samarkand, so he built a large palace here. The construction of the castle started in 1380 and continued for 24 years, until 1404, shortly before his death. – Uzbekistan Places

26. Historic Centre of Shakhrisyabz

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The historical center of Shirzhiyabz houses several outstanding monuments and ancient districts that testify to the secular history of the city, and in particular to its golden age, which was from the 15th to 16th centuries, during the reign of Amirs Temur and Temurids. – Uzbekistan Places

27. Fergana

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Fargʻona, also known as Ferghana, Fergana district, or Ferghana city, is a district-level city and the capital city of Fergana region in eastern Uzbekistan. The city is located approximately 420 km east of Tashkent and 75 km southwest of Andijan. It is less than 20 km away from the border with Kyrgyzstan. The modern city was established in 1876.

Today, Fergana is one of the major tourist attractions in Uzbekistan, with more nightclubs and nightlife. Being the border city of Kyrgyzstan, Fergana attracts more foreign tourists. – Uzbekistan Places

28. Nukus

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Nukus is the 6th largest city in Uzbekistan. It is the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Karkalpakstan. As of 1 January 2022, Nukus had a population of 329,100 inhabitants.

The city is located on the western bank of the Amu Darya River. Nukus is an administrative district-level city that includes the city-type settlement of Karatau. – Uzbekistan Places

29. Termez

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Termez, also known as Termiz or Termiz is the capital and largest city of Surxonderaryo Region, which is located in the southern part of Uzbekistan. Administratively, Termez is a district-level city. As of 2021, the population of Termez was 182,800.

The city of Termez is one of the most important sites in the history of Uzbekistan. It is also the capital of the region. It is also the location of the city of Alexandria, which was founded by Alexander the Great. It was also the capital of early Buddhism. It is a place of Muslim pilgrimage.
It is also a base of the Soviet Union’s military operation in Afghanistan. The nearest border crossing is Hairatan. – Uzbekistan Places

30. Archaeological Museum

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


An archaeological museum is a museum dedicated to the exhibition of archaeological objects. Many archaeological museums are open-air museums, like the Ancient Agora in Athens or the Roman Forum in Rome. Others show artifacts inside buildings, like the National Museum of Beirut or Cairo’s Museum of Egyptian Antiquities.

Others show artifacts both inside and outside, like the Tibes Aboriginal Ceremonial Center. Some archaeological museums show maritime archaeological materials, like the Western Australian Museum which displays Shipwreck Galleries in the Maritime Museum Wing.

The latter has also developed a ‘museum- without walls’ through a series of ‘underwater wreck trails outside the museum has been built at the active archaeological dig site of Nyaung-ga cemetery in Myanmar. – Uzbekistan Places

31. Kirk Kiz Fortress

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Qirqqiz Fort is Uzbekistan’s first Islamic Girls’ Academy. It is situated in the Surxondoaryo region of Uzbekistan. The fort is located in a state of ruins in the Termiz district of Uzbekistan. There are no details about the construction of the fort. – Uzbekistan Places

32. Afghanistan–Uzbekistan Friendship Bridge

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The Friendship Bridge between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan is a road and rail bridge over the Oxus River in Central Asia. It links Hairatan, Afghanistan, with Termez, Uzbekistan. The bridge was constructed by the former Soviet Union in 1982 as part of a military supply line during the Soviet-Afghan War. – Uzbekistan Places

33. Buddhist Stupa of Zurmala

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Zurmal Stupa is the remains of the biggest Buddhist Stupa in the Termez District of Uzbekistan. This is the oldest stupa that is still standing today. It was constructed in the 1st or 2nd century CE.

The Stupa is approximately 13.5 meters high and about 14 meters in diameter. It is composed of square bricks, each of which has a stamp similar to the stamp used in the Bactrian Kushan Empire of the 3rd century AD. A fragment of Klined bricks is also found around the Stupa.

The exterior facade of this Stupa is believed to have been painted in a vivid red color. Currently, the Stupa has large cracks around it. – Uzbekistan Places

34. Kokand

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Kokand, also known as Qo’qon, Qo’gan, or Qoqand, is a city and district-level administrative postcode in the eastern part of Uzbekistan. As of 2022, the population of the city was estimated to be 259,700. The city is situated 228 km southeast of the capital Tashkend, 115 km west of the city Andijan, and 88 km west of the capital Fergana, and is sometimes referred to as the “City of Winds”. The first ethnographic work on the area was done in 1877 under the new Russian administration. – Uzbekistan Places

35. Palace of Khudáyár Khán

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Khudayar Khan Palace is the most visited tourist attraction in the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan. It was built in the 1870s and is also known as the “Kokand Urda”. The Palace was the last of seven palaces built by the late ruler of the last Kokand Khanate. The Palace was designed by the architect Mir Ubaydull, 80 master builders were employed and 16,000 labourers were conscripted.

The American diplomat, Eugene Schuyler, described the Palace as “much larger and more splendid than any other one in Central Asia… gleaming in all its new tiles of blue, yellow, and green”. – Uzbekistan Places

36. Andijan

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Andijan, also known as Andijon, Andizhan, or simply Andijan, is a city in the Andijan region of Uzbekistan. The city is located on the southeast edge of Fergana Valley, close to the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan border. An archeological site in Andijan dates back to the late 7th and early 8th centuries, and the city was one of the most important cities along the Silk Road.

An Andijan district is a district-level city in the Andijan region. The area of the city is 74 km2, with a surface area of 29 sq mi. As of 2022, the most populated city in the region was Andijan, with a population of 547.800 inhabitants. – Uzbekistan Places

37. Statue Of Z.M. Babur

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Z.M. Babur is the first Mughal Emperor of the dynasty. He is also known as Zahir ul-Din Mohammed, who changed into Babur in 1843 and was born in the city of Andijan, Uzbekistan. Babur’s reign saw him fight in various battles and conquer various parts of Central Asia. Babur was Timur’s grandson, and the only written records of Babur’s life are his memoirs, known as Baburnama, which are written in the mother tongue language of Khaghatia Turkic.

Babur is one of the heroes of the people of Uzbekistan, and it is no surprise that the locals pay homage to him annually at his monument. The bronze statue of him at the square is equally impressive, and the statue of him riding a horse is a truly beautiful sight. Be sure to pay attention to the inscription that appears on the bottom of the statue, as it is worth knowing. There is also a monument in the center of the city, which is a very nice tourist spot. – Uzbekistan Places

38. Akvapark

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Aqua Park is located on the banks of the Nemunas River. You can enjoy the tropical heat of the pools, and palm trees, and endless fun all year round. Swim in our sea-wave pool. Go downstream or upstream in our river torrents. Conquer your fear in our amazing water slides. Warm your body and your soul in our hot tubs and enjoy an endless cycle of joy.

With an area of 30,000 square meters, Aqua Park Drusakininkai is the perfect place for vacation and entertainment. Groups of friends can enjoy our water entertainment area. Happy families can enjoy the adventurous children’s area. Couples can enjoy romance and relaxation in our 19 adult bathhouses. – Uzbekistan Places

39. Jami Adresse

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


Muhammad Dashti was a Sufi poet. He was a prominent scholar and author of Sufi mystical literature. He is best known for his poetry, which has been praised for its eloquence, and his analysis of mercy metaphysics.

Some of his most well-known works include Haft awrang, Tuhfat Al-Ahrar, Layla wa MagnunFatihat Ali Lawa’ih, and Al-Khwarabat al-Fakirah. He was one of the most prominent poets-theologians of the Ibn Arabi school of the Sufi order. He is also known by the names Jami Djadhavi and Molla, all transliterated as “Molla Cami”. – Uzbekistan Places

40. Kalta Minor Minaret

Uzbekistan Places: 40 Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan


The unfinished tall minaret of Kalta Minor is located near the west entrance of the Old City of the fortified part of the town of Khiva in the central part of Uzbekistan. Today, the minaret is considered the true symbol of the town and it is hard to imagine it without the oriental masterpiece.

The most interesting thing about the minaret is its unique size and design. The foundation is measured at 15 m while the height is 29 m above the whole town and only a third of the predicted height between 70 to 80 m. – Uzbekistan Places

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