Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen. Yemen, also known as the Republic of Yemen is a country in the Arabian Peninsula region of West Asia. The country is situated on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. The country borders Saudi Arabia on the north and Oman on the northeast. It also shares maritime borders with the Republic of Eritrea, the Republic of Djibouti, and the Republic of Somalia.

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1. Balhaf

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Balhaf is a port town and oasis in the coastal dunes of the Burum coastal area of Yemen. Balhaf is an oasis with palm trees, white sand, and black lava fields. The main point of departure from the Route I’Encens is Qana. Qana was the major port of the old kingdom of Hadhramaut.

It is covered by a hill called Husn al’Ghurab or the remains of the old ruins. An I’écart is situated on an extinct volcano. The crater lake is turquoise in color. The “Corniche” road leads to Burum, the typical fishing port. The old village of Burum is surrounded by a Gypsum kiln.

Nearby is a large bay called Mukalla whose wetlands are inhabited by migratory birds from India and Africa. – Yemen Places

2. Jabal Haraz

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Jabal Haraz, also known as Qal’arāz, is a mountain region in the Sarat range in the Arabian Peninsula of present-day Yemen. It is considered to be part of the Sarat mountain range. Jabal Haraz was a caravan-stopping point in the Hejjarite Kingdom during the 11th century.

In the 12th century, it became the capital of the Sulaihid dynasty. Many of its buildings still survive today. Today, Jabal Haraz includes Jabal An’Nabi Shu’ayb, which is the highest mountain in the region.

The Haraz mountain region has always been a strategic area in the Arabian Peninsula, due to its position between the coastal plain of Tihamah and the city of Sanaa. In the 13th and 14th centuries, it was also the capital of the Sulayhid dynasty which was established in the country in 1037. Since then, the inhabitants of the area have been Ism’aili Shi’ite Muslims. – Yemen Places

3. Jibla

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Jiblah is a city located in the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula, approximately eight kilometers southwest of Ibb, in the Governorate of Qayyarah Governorate. It is situated at an altitude of approximately 2,200 m or 7,200 feet, close to the Qayyarah Qayyarah mountain range.

Jiblah is also known as Qayyarah, Qayyarah, or Qayyarah al-Jiblah. The town and its environs were included in UNESCO’s Tentative List of World Heritage Sites because of its “universal cultural value”.

In 2019, the city was further developed by the establishment of the University of Medical and Health Science, located in the heart of the town. The city is also home to the historic Royal Arwa Palace. – Yemen Places

4. Amiriya Madrasa

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


The 16th-century madrasa in Rada is Al-Amiriya. It is currently being considered for inscription as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Built-in 1504, it is an example of Tahirid architecture in Yemen. It was in disrepair until 1978, when an Iraqi-born archeologist, Selma al-Radi, noticed it. She then led a more than two-decade-long effort to restore it with financial assistance from foreign missions. – Yemen Places

5. Thila

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Thula is a town located in the west-central part of Yemen, in the Governorate of ‘Amran. It is one of the five towns in Yemen listed on UNESCO’s Tentative List of World Heritage Sites. The town dates back to Himyarite times, and is very well-preserved, with traditional houses and mosques.

Archaeological research revealed Sabaean ruins with huge stone architecture underneath Himyarite ruins. From 2004 to 2011, restoration works were carried out on the Bab Al Mayah gate, several watch towers, pathways, a traditional cistern, as well as other parts of the Sabaean fort. – Yemen Places

6. Barran Temple

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


The Sabaean Temple of Barran also known as the Throne of Bilqis, is located near Marib, in the Arabian town of Marib, Yemen. It was dedicated to the God al Maqah. In 2023, Barran Temple, along with other monuments of the ancient kingdom of Saba, was added to the World Heritage List of UNESCO. The temple is situated to the west of Awwam Temple, which was also dedicated to the God Almaqah.

The main features of the Sabaean temple include six columns and a sacred well in the center of the courtyard. Before the 1988 excavations, there were only five columns in the temple. However, the remains of another pillar were discovered. The Barran Temple is believed to be the largest of the pre-Islamic temples in Yemen. – Yemen Places

7. Shaharah Bridge

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Shaharah Bridge is one of the oldest arch bridges in Yemen. It was built in the 17th century to link two villages at the peak of two mountains in the Shaharah District of Amran Governorate in northern Yemen.

The bridge measures 300 feet in length, 65 feet in width, and 9 feet in height. It is the only bridge that leads to the town of Shaharah, which is named after the bridge. The bridge is one of the best-known bridges and tourist attractions in the country. – Yemen Places

8. The Ancient Tombs, Sanaa

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


The southwest part of Asia and the northeast part of Africa are considered the most ancient regions in the world. You can visit different ancient graves in Yemen. These ancient graves date back to the Paleolithic era.

These countries were settled by different cultures and civilizations before around 40,000 years old. Hundreds of ancient graves have been discovered in the western part of Yemen in the region of al-Mahwit, which is located in the city of Sanaa.

These are some of the oldest historical sites to add to your visit list, and they are all very close to Sanaa.– Yemen Places

9. Socotra Island

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Socotra Island is also one of the most famous destinations for the visitors. It is also known as the home of another native tree spot- Bottle trees. Bottle trees grow on the rocky areas of the island. You will be surprised to see the huge forests of Bottle Trees. The typical appearance of Bottle Trees is easy to notice. It also draws the visitors to witness the amazing miracle of God.

The trunks of Bottle Trees are huge. It is stouter towards the ground and it is slenderer towards the crown. There are a few twigs at the top of the tree in most cases. The twigs are covered by many leaves.

The Bottle Trees are fascinating to see during the trekking in the rocky areas of Socotra island. When the Bottle Trees bloom, the whole mountain landscape is illuminated by a golden sunset. – Yemen Places

10. Al-Saleh Mosque

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


The Al-Saleh Mosque is the largest modern-day mosque in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. It is located in the south of the city on the outskirts of Al Sabeen Medical Hospital. The mosque was formerly known as the Al Saleh Mosque and was inaugurated in November 2008 by former Yemeni President Ali Abdul Aziz Saleh.

The main hall of the mosque is 27,300 sq ft, with a central hall of 13,596 sq ft. The central hall can hold 44,000 people. The building cost nearly $60 million to build. Although the mosque is not open to Muslims, it is visited by tourists and serves as a center for moderate Islam. – Yemen Places

11. Old City of Sana’a

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Sanaa is a city in southern Yemen. It is the capital and largest city in the country. It is also the capital city of the governorate of Sanaa. The city of Sanaa is also spelled as “Sana’a” and “Sana” in the Arabic language. It is not a part of the governorate, but it forms part of the administrative district of al-Amnat al-Hassa.

The Constitution of the Republic of Yemen states that Sanaa is to be the country’s capital. However, the seat of government of the country was moved to Aden after the Houthi takeover in 2015. In March 2015, then-president abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi declared Aden as the country’s temporary capital. – Yemen Places

12. Sira Fortress

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Sira Fort/Sira Castle is a historical site in the city of Aden, in the Arabian Peninsula of the Arabian Peninsula. It dates back to the eleventh century and is still used by the Yemeni army today. The fort is situated on the island of Sira, which is a rocky and high volcanic outcrop that dominates the old port of Aden. Although it is often called a castle, it is a fortification rather than a castle.

The exact history of the fort is not well known, especially since few archaeological studies have been conducted on the site. It is believed that the fort was first constructed around 1173 by the ruler of the Turks in the area known as the Prince of Othman. The fort was further fortified during the Portuguese and Ottoman invasions of Aden in 1517 and 1539.

After the old harbor began to deteriorate and the main commercial center moved to the opposite side of the peninsula, the British began to develop and fortify the fort after 1839. The fort is about 15 minutes of walking up the stairs, which can be. – Yemen Places

13. Socotra Island,

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Socotra is a Republic of Yemen island in the Indian Ocean. It is located 380 kilometers south of the Arabian peninsula and 240 kilometers east of Somalia. Although it is under Yemeni control, it is technically part of Africa.

It is the largest island of the four in the archipelago, and since 2013 it has been part of the governorate of Socotra. It has an area of 132 km and a width of 42 km.

It is home to a large number of endemic species, including up to a third of all plant life on the island. Socotra is considered to be “the most unusual-looking place on earth”. – Yemen Places

14. Sand Dunes

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Dunes are a type of landform made up of sand driven by wind or water. They can take the form of mounds, ridges, or hills. A dune system is an area with several dunes. Another type of dune is the dune complex. Large dune complexes are called dune fields.

Broad, flat areas covered by wind-blown sand, or dunes without vegetation, are known as ergs, or sand seas. Dunes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Most dunes are long on the upflow side of a dune and have a short slip face on the lee. A dune slack is a valley or trough that runs between dunes. – Yemen Places

15. Archer Beach

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Archer Beach is another must-see destination on your Socotra Island trip. Here you can experience the natural beauty and a wide range of outdoor activities. Situated close to the north shore of Socotra Island, the white sandy beaches and vast dunes beckon you to enter the thermal and transparent waters of the Arabian Sea. Step into the water and you’ll find yourself in paradise. You’ll be completely at ease.

The dunes are a must-see for hikers and climbers. Camping, swimming, photography, and walking along the beach are some of the memorable activities you can do at Archer Beach. – Yemen Places

16. Mukalla

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Mukalla is the capital and seaport of the largest governorate of Yemen. It is located in the south of the Arabian peninsula on the Arabian Sea coast, about 480 km east of the port city of Aden. As the most important seaport city in the region, Mukalla is also the 6th largest city in Yemen.

As of 2023, the city has a population of about 595,000 people. The nearby airport, Riyan International, serves the city.

The city of Mukalla was first established as a fishing village in the year 1035. In the 19th century, it was the center of the Qu’aiti state of Hadhramaut, a province of the Kathiri sultanate. The city was also home to the British Resident Advisor at the time of the merger.

Other important cities of the Hadhramaut sultanate included ash-shirt, which was a major trading post between India and Africa, and the incense-producing area in the hinterland. – Yemen Places

17. Gulf of Aden,

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Gulf of Aden is the name given to the Arabian Sea’s Gulf of Aden, which is located in the northwest of the country. It connects the Red Sea with the Arabian Sea through a strait that is almost 20 miles wide. The Gulf of Aden shares its name with a port city in Yemen, known as Berbera, on the southern side of the Gulf.

This is it Yemen, a fascinating mix of history, natural beauty, and countless settings for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure and memories. Whether you’re visiting leisurely or on a family vacation to the southwest of the Arabian peninsula, make sure to visit all, or at least some, of the destinations listed in this list. – Yemen Places

18. Shibam

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Shimam is a city located in the central-west region of the Hadramaut governorate, in the Arabian Peninsula. It is connected by a key road to Sanaa, other towns in western Yemen, and to the remote eastern regions. It is often referred to as “Chicago of the desert” or “Manhattan of the desert” due to its warm desert climate. The average temperature in the city is 28.0°C.

Shimano is renowned for its unique architecture. It is considered the “oldest skyscraper city” in the world and one of the oldest and best examples of vertical-based urban planning. It is home to some of the highest-rise mud buildings on the planet, some of them reaching over 30 meters.

The city was built in this architectural style to protect its inhabitants from the attacks of the Bedouin. The city was surrounded by a thick wall, which is why it became known as the “walled city” of Shibam. Today, it is a World Heritage Site. – Yemen Places

19. Zabid

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Zabid is a city situated in the Western coastal plain of Yemen. One of the oldest towns in the country, Zabid has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 1993. Zabid was the capital of the country from the 13th to 15th centuries. The city’s grand mosque hosts distinguished plays. The remains of the university can also be found in Zabid.

In 2000, Zabid was listed as a World Heritage in danger due to the poor maintenance and conservation of the city by the Yemeni authority. According to the UNESCO report, around 40% of Zabid’s ancient houses were converted into concrete structures. Other houses and old markets are also in a state of decline. – Yemen Places

20. Stone house (Dar Alhajar)

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


DAR AL-HAJAR is a former Royal Palace in the Wadi Dhar area of Sana’a, Yemen. It is located about 15 kilometers from Sana’a and 15 miles from the city center. Built in 1920 as the summer residence of Yahya Muhammad ed-Din, ruler of Yemen, it stands on top of a building constructed in 1786 for al-Imam Mansour.

The palace remained in the royal house until the Yemeni Revolution of 1962. It is now a museum. Pier Paolo Pasolini made use of Dar al-HAJAR as the home of Princess Dunya in his 1974 film The Arabian Nights. – Yemen Places

21. Alsahareej (Water Tanks)

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


The cisterns of Tawila, also known as the Tawila tanks, are a historical site in the city of Tawila in the port of Aden, Yemen. The cisterns were built to collect the rain that falls from the Tawila massif through Wadi Tawila and to keep the city from flooding regularly.

The cisterns are made up of several interconnected tanks of different sizes and capacities. There were 53 cisterns originally, but only thirteen remain today after a series of renovations, some of which were carried out by the British during the nineteenth century. The current cisterns have a total capacity of about 19 million gallons.

The main site houses the largest of the cisterns at the center, while the Playfair Tank is located at the very bottom of the site, just beyond the main site. – Yemen Places

22. Qalansiyah beach

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Qalansiyah Beach is situated in the northwest part of Socotra island, facing the Gulf of Aden, and is famous for its white sands and beautiful turquoise waters.

The beach is frequented by families and friends to swim in the beautiful waters, as well as hiking on the beach and some camping on the beach. Therefore, if you are near Qalansiyah beach, you must make time to visit it. – Yemen Places

23. Shoab Beach

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


This beach is situated on the western tip of Socotra Island. It lies along a small bay in the Gulf of Aden. When viewed from above, the bay is almost a normal drop-shaped shape.

The beach is surrounded by a national park to the east, so if you wish, you can see unique animals; mainly butterflies in the wet season. – Yemen Places

24. Aban Mosque

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


Abu Bakr Al-Aydarus Mosque, also known as Aidrus Mosque, or simply Aidrus Mosque, is a Sufi Sufi mosque located in Aidrus Street, Crater, Aden governorate, Yemen. It is one of the main mosques in Aden.

The mosque was built in the late 15th or early 16th century. It was destroyed in 1859 and was rebuilt. During the 1994 war in Yemen, the mosque was damaged by Islamic fundamentalists from northern Yemen. They burned copies of the Quran in the mosque and vandalized tombs in the courtyard.

Today, the mosque can be found on some postage stamps in Aden, such as the 1938 2 Anna stamp. – Yemen Places

25. Bab al-Mandab Strait

Yemen Places: 25 Best Places to Visit in Yemen


This strait connects the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden between the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen and Djibouti in the horn of Africa. The distance across the strait is 26 kilometers. The strait is divided into two channels by the island of Perim, the eastern of which is known as the “Bab Iskender”. The western channel is called the “Dact-El-Mayun” or “Gate of Grief”.

“Bab” means “gate” and “Mandeb” means “lamentation”. “Bab” and “Mandeb” are both Arabic names for the strait. “Bab” is derived from the dangers of navigation in the strait, and “Bab Mandeb” is derived from an Arabic legend about the number of people who drowned in an earthquake. – Yemen Places

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